Capture | Territorial Viewer of Puerto Montt
Puerto Montt is the commune with the most active cases in Chile, according to the latest Epidemiological Report published this Saturday by the Ministry of Health.
The document provided a detailed analysis of the progress of the pandemic in the country, which has the capital of Los Lagos (still in quarantine) in a complicated situation, with 464 patients capable of infecting others.
That commune is followed by Temuco and Valdivia, with 448 and 374 respectively.
Further back appears Punta Arenas (359), Osorno (291), Concepción (289) and Los Angeles (265).
Check out the top 30 below:
Deaths and new infections
The report for this day was also accompanied by the death registry. The latter, estimated at 19,782 confirmed and suspected deaths from covid-19 since the start of the pandemic in the country.
Specifically, 14,777 confirmed deaths were reported, while deaths without laboratory confirmation reach 5,005.
This Saturday, after 40,522 PCR tests were processed, 1,644 new infections of covid-19 were registered nationwide, the highest number of the week, with Chile reaching 529,676 total cases.