Tomé: Marriage party in quarantine leaves about 60 detainees


The Investigative Police (PDI) had to intervene this Friday afternoon before the realization of a marriage party in Tomé, in the Biobío Region, despite the prohibition of this type of event during the total quarantine that governs the commune in full swing of the coronavirus.

As reported by the police institution, a group of about 60 people were arrested for violation of article 318 of the Penal Code, which penalizes those who endanger public health.

In addition, Seremi de Salud personnel took the corresponding health summaries offenders.

The party, which took place within the Aguas del Monte spa, in the rural sector of San Rafael, was denounced to the PDI and corroborated through images of a drone from the Municipality of Biobío.

“There are about 60 people, among all the participants” and “each one is going to carry out the respective health summary,” said the seremi of local Health, Héctor Muñoz.

“It is an unfortunate situation. Regardless of whether they do it very far from the commune, very far from the urban sector, the PDI team and the Seremi de Salud will still come to supervise. We are constantly deployed “added the authority.

After this event, a press team that came to report the incident was detained against their will within an adjacent land and under threat, according to what they found. Cooperative.
