Tomás mama appears alive child – Biobío


Tomás’s mother makes an emotional call: “We continue with faith that he appears alive and well”

The great-uncle, who was the last to see the child, was transferred by the PDI to be interviewed, seeking to obtain more details of his whereabouts. Tvn


Steffy gutierrez, mother of little Tomás, sent a message to family and friends regarding the search for the three-year-old boy who is almost two days lost, said that “We continue with the faith that he appears alive and well.”

As detailed by the woman, until 1:00 p.m. this Friday “nothing is known yet” despite the intense work of Firefighters, GOPE and other emergency teams.

“We continue with hope”Gutiérrez remarked.

Note that during this day, the Investigative Police is interviewing Tomás’ great uncle, Jorge Vargas, in Lebu, who was the last person to see him alive.

The latter pointed out this Thursday to 24 hours What is it “sorry what happened” and he explained that while they were looking for cows in a wooded area, he left the boy in a place from where he moved away for, according to his estimate, about five minutes: “When I went to look for him he was not there, I screamed, he did not speak to me and he said nothing.

Lost Child Tomás Lebu Biobío

He asserted that, eventually, the child may have plucked from some animal.

In detail, he commented: “We went to look for the cows (…) we found them and toured the sector and then we got to a part where he stayed and I went down to look for the cows and left him alone (…) and when I came back I couldn’t find him “

Asked if the boy could have gone to a nearby road, he said that he believes “that he may have left” towards the route and that “someone took it.”


The Intendant of the Biobío region, Patricio Kuhn, this morning carried out a helicopter overflight over the area where Tomás’ trail was lost, reporting that “We have no news regarding findings, but we are clear that from the beginning we have made every effort to find it.”

Kuhn He emphasized that during the day the tracking quadrants are being coordinated and that any progress made by the PDI will be communicated as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Carabineros personnel committed to the family to continue actively participating in the search, until Tomás appears.

