Pancho saavedra shared an image on his Instagram account that worried his more than 3 million followers. At the record, the entertainer took a selfie in a health facility where he appears reclining on a stretcher, prior to undergoing a dental procedure.
In an interview with The latest news, the host of “Places that Speak” revealed that an implant procedure was performed 10 years ago and then “he let himself be.” “They put an implant where the last molar goes down on the right side. Time passed and I always felt discomfortHe explained.
After this, the communicator said that he had to go again to the dentist where they told him the implant was wrong and that there was an infection, which was affecting the bone. Because of this, last Wednesday you were admitted for surgery of urgency and thus be able to correct the problem that could have worsened even more over time.
Check here the video that Pancho Saavedra shared: