“Tía Pikachu” accused of aggression and attempted arrest by Carabineros | National


Giovanna Grandón, a school van driver known publicly as the “Purple Pikachu”For dancing disguised as that character, she accuses the Carabineros of attacks, at a time when uniformed officers tried to arrest her, in the context of demonstrations that took place on Friday afternoon near the Plaza Baquedano in the capital.

“We were on Santa María street, we were dancing and singing with my friends, with all of us who dressed up, and suddenly the repression arrived. A guanaco (water thrower) arrived, a skunk (gas thrower) arrived and I don’t know how many police officers threw themselves on top of me and a friend, the one who dresses as the Joker, and pushed us, ”explained“ Aunt Pikachu ”to Chilevisión.

Video records show that police officers pounced on the disguised woman, who was together with other “characters” such as “Joker”, “Tyrannosaurus Rex”, “Condorito”, among others. In her account, the woman added that “my whole suit was torn to pieces, they kicked me. A policeman hit me with a combo in the face and then he threw me pepper spray. Luckily the people who are here to help came ”.

“They were arresting me and a 12-year-old girl in disguise, they were taking them all. But as they started recording they released me and left me there on the floor. I got hit a few kicks and some combos. I don’t know what happens to these police, ”he said.

Grandón indicated that he would go to a health center to verify the injuries and shared a video of the situation described on his social networks.

“Our demonstration is peaceful, with music and dancing. Our group has been characterized by supporting those forgotten by the state; camps, towns, we have made common pots, days for children. Gathering clothes and food, tools to cover the mediaguas. This violent repression must stop and be sentenced in the future ”, they expressed.

From the Carabineros, they assure that “Aunt Pikachu” was ordered to take off the suit, while “Joker” was not arrested, but was warned for violation of article 318 (endangering public health in times of pandemic) and was cited. They add that they do not have records of formal complaints of assaults in this case.
