The Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, Katherine Martorell, announced this Thursday of new changes in the Step by Step Plan.
The authority informed that they will go back to quarantine the communes of The Angels (Bio bio region) Paillaco and Rio Bueno (River region).
A transition they will go back Ovalle (Region of Coquimbo), Tirúa, Penco, Cabrero, Yumbel, Laja (Bío Bío Region) and San José de Mariquina (River region).
Meanwhile, they recede to preparation Combarbalá, Punitaqui, Monte Patria and Río Hurtado (Region of Coquimbo).
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All of these changes will take effect this Saturday, December 12 at 5 in the morning.
Meanwhile, they advance to transition the communes of Futrono, Los Lagos (Los Ríos Region) and Puqueldó (Los Lagos Region).
For their part they advance to preparation Parral (Ñuble), Quillon (Maule) and Black river (The lakes).
These settings will begin to govern the Monday, December 14 at 5 in the morning.