This is how Kim Kardashian looks with makeup but without Photoshop


Kim Kardashian’s face is one of the best known on the planet. But we do not always see it “naturally”, since the oldest of the famous sisters takes advantage of the resources of technology to look radiant.

However, in a photo published by the fashionista and fashion analyst of the program “El Gordo y la Flaca”, Jomari Goyzo, it is appreciated no touch-ups to the American socialite.

“On the right; the reality of a well-preserved 40-year-old skin, with makeup a bit loaded but something that is already common. And on the left: the fantasy that people already believe is real,” wrote the specialist.

In the edited photograph, you can see the face of Kim Kardashian with an ultra-smooth effect and without imperfections, while in the other, her skin looks much more porous.

Kim Kardashian going natural

The Spanish is a staunch critic of the excess of digital retouching in photography. So he gave the task of analyzing the most famous of the Kardashian clan and its use of surgeries and digital editions to increase the physical attributes that it displays. The beauty of Kim Kardashian without Photoshop image editing program is earthy.

In another post, he compared an image recently posted on the television star’s profile that he edited himself to show his version of Kim without her prominent hips, which have been said to be unnatural.

“Do you think that one day we will love each other as we are? Or this is the beginning of the end … #kimkardashian (I remind you that each one can do whatever they want with their body, it worries me when they deny it and swear it is natural because there is where the problem and confusion of #falsasespectativas) is created “, reflected Goyzo.

Khloe Kardashian follows in her sister’s footsteps

Another of the criticisms he made was the excessive use of filters on social networks that distort the real image of celebrities creating false expectations and it was precisely with a photograph of another of the clan: Khloe kardashian.

“Now they say that Khloé Kardashian did something to her chin to make her face look thinner (…) the surgeons explaining and saying how to do it (and by the way they give you a discount) the cosmetics sellers say it is pure makeup and contouring (and by the way they give you a discount on the color palette you need to achieve that effect) … now, I don’t know what to say to you!

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