This is how a Covid patient dies according to a doctor’s video; Chile has already received more than 5,000 vaccines and Pfizer prepares the start of inoculation and an entire family can be infected on a birthday: three things we learned about the coronavirus this week


Kenneth Remy, a researcher at the Washington University in St. Louis (USA) and a physician at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and St. Louis Children’s Hospital, recorded a video on his Twitter account, in which he recounts the last minutes of a Covid patient who is about to die.

Although some coronavirus patients may feel very few symptoms of the disease, and many have asymptomatic symptoms, there are many others that have severe sequelae.

Many of these patients, due to the severity of their condition, need to be connected to a mechanical ventilator, and many of them do not manage to survive, in slow and painful agony.

It was what the doctor wanted to relate in the video. Remy said in a note published in USA Today that he has treated more than 1,000 patients with Covid-19 and intubated a little more than 100.

In the video, which has been viewed on Twitter more than 100,000 times, Remy noted that he hopes the last moments of your life don’t look like this, “because this is what you will see at the end of your life if you don’t start wearing masks when we are in public. When we don’t practice social distancing. When we don’t wash our hands frequently ”.

Remy assured that he had to treat a patient who died shortly before making the video at the Missouri Baptist Medical Center, the eleventh to die from complications of Covid-19 that week, he said. “He had just gotten off the phone with his wife,” he lamented.

Reaction to the video has been overwhelmingly positive, Remy acknowledged. He said his colleagues have offered support. “We are proud of Dr. Remy and all of our healthcare professionals who work on the front lines,” said the University of Washington School of Medicine through a spokesperson.

The doctor stated that although it feels more uncomfortable to have to wear a mask in public, “I would go so far as to argue that it would be more uncomfortable to breathe 40 or 50 times a minute. I know it’s more uncomfortable when I start doing invasive procedures, like putting a piece of plastic in his airway to help him breathe, “he added.

He said he understood that people want to go back to normal, but that can only happen, if the right precautions are taken.

Check out the dramatic video recorded by this doctor.

In a sample more than how dangerous certain meetings can be, an entire family was infected with coronavirus.

It is about the Aragonez family, from the city of Arlington, in Texas (USA), which prided itself on always complying with health regulations to avoid the spread of Covid-19.

The entire family took care of each other for months (almost a year) according to a note published in USA Today, but on November 1 they had a birthday, which they celebrated – in their opinion – discreetly. But what they never calculated is that the event would generate that 12 family members will be infected with coronavirus.

25 days after the event, the family is still recovering from the outbreak. Even some, who are more serious, they fight against severe symptoms that generates the disease, recognized Alexa Aragonez, one of the family members, and one of those who was more serious.

His mother, one of the people who was at the meeting, was hospitalized for a week and according to specialists, she could even have to take medication for the rest of her life, due to the damage generated in her body.

“Please don’t be like my family and ignore the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, its acronym in English). By staying apart, we can fight this virus together. “Aragonez said in a video, who was joined by other relatives.

The Aragonez family.

Ignacio Silva, infectologist and academic of the Usach Postgraduate Department, said in a note in Qué Pasa, that one of the factors that has had more weight in the outbreaks “It has been precisely the decrease in prevention measures in the use of a mask, hand washing and especially in physical distance, considering that in countries like the US and Europe they approach colder climates and make people gather in closed spaces with little ventilation, increasing contagion ”.

How did they get it? As in many families, people still have to go quietly to work. The virus likely entered through a family member whose job required being away from home, Aragonez explained. To everyone’s surprise, that family member had symptoms, but still participated in the event. They thought it was a simple allergy.

Therefore, Silva said, we must continue to maintain some restrictions such as avoiding crowds either in open or closed spaces.

Apparently the relaxation of the Aragonez family was such that they shared inside the enclosure, without masks and eating all together.

“My family took great precautions, but taking all the precautions with the exception of a meeting is not enough. My family learned the hard way ”, Aragonez concluded.

The vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech against Covid-19 is so advanced, that the US could begin to administer it en masse as soon as December 11, or put another way, in just two weeks.

The speed with which this prototype is advancing is also exciting in Chile, as the government managed to sign an agreement with Pfizer that will allow it to access 10 million doses next year.

The company now prepares the documentation that the Institute of Public Health (ISP) must review to authorize, as in the US, emergency use of its vaccine.

The regulatory entity estimates that it would take less than a month for the review. If these deadlines are met, the first doses could arrive in the country – as the government projects – in the last days of December, that is, before the budget, which had projected that the first doses – hundreds of thousands said La Moneda – will arrive as soon as in January.

Even, still waiting for this valuable sanitary shipment, in Chile There are already more than 5,000 doses of the vaccines that are being developed to treat the coronavirus. Although the long-awaited doses promised by Pfizer have not yet arrived, there are already several thousand in the country, which corresponds to those of other laboratories that are testing in Chile, which has advanced the arrival of these precious injections.

The Sinovac laboratory already sent the first three thousand doses (6 thousand if the three thousand corresponding to the placebo used in this type of tests are added) and the Catholic University, the institution that will direct the trials in Chile, has already started the enrollment of the first volunteers.

Also in the country there are about 750 doses of the vaccine being developed by the Janssen laboratory (in addition to the other 750 that, like its Chinese simile, are only placebo), tests directed by the University of Chile and that began to be developed in Talca, in addition to several clinics in San Bernardo and Colina and the Exequiel González Cortés hospital .

To these two laboratories the doses you are inoculating are added University of Oxford together with the AstraZeneca laboratory, which despite the doubts of the Las Condes Clinic in leading these tests (which could decline its participation, apparently due to the refusal of the hospital center controller, due to the high cost involved in this trial ), the tests continue at the North Campus of the Faculty of Medicine of the U. de Chile, a center in Quillota and the Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital.

Of this vaccine came 3 thousand doses, 2 thousand of the royal vaccine and a thousand of placebo

To this deck of injections, some 2,600 real doses of the therapy developed by the Chinese laboratory CanSino and whose trials will be directed by the U. de la Frontera will soon be added.
