This image captured by Hubble has been transformed by NASA into … music


They already said in Alien that in space nobody can hear your screams. And that is what we miss most about space in all its splendor: the sound, the laser beams of spaceships, even music.

Fortunately, that has not stopped NASA from discovering a way to produce sound, by ‘sonifying’ the image that heads this entry, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.


The image NASA used for this project was taken by the Hubble Advanced Camera in August 2018.

Researchers working with Hubble call the image a ‘galactic treasure chest’ because of the number of galaxies we see in it.

But, despite how beautiful this image is, it has just reached a new level, once transformed into an amazing musical composition, which you can hear below:

The team that created the sonified image explains that different locations and image elements produce different sounds. Stars and compact galaxies are represented by short, clear sounds, while spiral galaxies emit longer and more complex notes.

Time flows from left to right, and the frequency of the sound changes from bottom to top, from 30 to 1,000 hertz. Objects near the bottom of the image produce lower notes, while objects near the top produce higher notes.
