Next Saturday, April 10, Mega will finally premiere My neighborhood, the comedy show that will replace Morand with Company and that it has at least 95% of the cast of the latter. And to warm up engines they released a small preview that included an imitation of the doctor Ugarte.
This new trailer shows Fernando Godoy in a sketch of a neighborhood meeting, where he has the luxury of introducing the beloved doctor who is currently a panelist for Buenos Das a Todos, who is personified by Felipe Parra.
In addition, they included parodies of political debates, the lectures of Minister Enrique Paris and a great revelation on who is Miguelito’s father.
Check out the preview of Mi Barrio with the imitation of Dr. Ugarte
Enrique Paris reacted to the imitation of Fernando Godoy
An unusual statement was delivered by the health minister, Enrique Paris, during a new Minsal report. At the beginning of this press point, the headline of the billboard decided to give a few words to Fernando Godoy and his program “Mi Barrio”, due to an imitation of the main representative of the Ministry of Health.
“I want to especially thank Fernando Godoy and the advancement of his program ‘Mi Barrio’, imitates us brilliantly. So, maybe, at some point, I will invite you here to the program when I was tired and could replace me, but the advance of ‘Mi Barrio’ was very good “, were the words of Enrique Paris that did not leave indifferent to nobody.