Two police events that occurred early this Saturday in Talcahuano would be linked to an action in revenge.
According to Radio Bío Bío, it was a shooting murder of a 21 year old, which would be connected, by way of revenge, with the intentional burning of two houses located in the Punta Tucapel Passage with Bahía Mansa, on the Centinela hill of the port of the Bío Bío region.
The foregoing, because the victim’s acquaintances have taken revenge for his murder.
Commander Alejandro Morgenstern of the Prefecture of Talcahuano provided information on the episode.
“Today (Sunday) at about 5:30 in the morning, a call was received to our communications center stating that in the Tucapel Bay passage of Cerro Centinela shots were being fired,” the policeman initially said.
Added that “Police personnel attended the place, being able to find a 21-year-old man, who was wounded by a gunshot, before which first aid was provided. The ambulance was requested, he was transferred to the Higueras hospital. An hour later, when it is known that the man dies, a group of people, apparently relatives and friends of the deceased, go in a group to the home of the alleged aggressor and attack the place.
But, according to the same police, the revengeful attack did not stop there.
The partner of the alleged perpetrator of the homicide lived in the vicinity of the first burned house, which was also burned in revenge.
“It also receives the same arson attack and firefighters attend, who later managed to control both accidents,” said the same prefect.
In addition, the burning of a vehicle that was in the place was also confirmed.