This Saturday, the Minister of Mining Roberto Vega announced the end of the rescue of the deceased miner in the middle of an accident in a mining shaft in the Illapel commune.
Also read: 73-year-old miner dies due to collapse in Illapel: body rescue continues
“Being the noon of today Saturday, we have finished the rescue maneuver of the body of the pirquinero who died in the town of Cavilolén, in the limit of the communes of Los Vilos and Illapel”, indicated.
According to information obtained by El Día, it would be Juan Araya, an inhabitant of the illapelina town of Las Cañas, who had started working irregularly a few weeks ago in Cavilolen.
The victim was carrying out unauthorized gold and copper extraction work on the lands of Compañía Minera del Pacífico, according to information from the Carabineros.
Rescue work lasted almost 24 hours after a second collapse occurred overnight.
Given this, the Minister of Mining thanked the Illapel Fire Department, and rescuers from Andacollo and Atacama, who finally managed to extract the body from the mine.
“In this minute we can reassure the family that his relative is resting in peace and as the government we offer our deepest condolences to all the relatives of this Pirquinero,” the seremi concluded.