A well-known character from the local show arrived early at the Colegio Alianza Francesa de Vitacura to fulfill his role as table vocal at the Constitutional Plebiscite of this October 25.

It’s about the comedian Stefan kramer, who presides over table 44 of the aforementioned premises and which was one of the first tables established in that place.

The famous impersonator said he was very proud to perform as a vocal, while his table companions indicated that he was taking his role very seriously and therefore had been “totally serious.”

“Today only Stefan Kramer came,” one of the women told TVN, alluding to the fact that the comedian was not playing any of the characters he usually emulates.

In a joking tone, the comedian pointed out that with a mask it was more difficult to recognize him but that some of the first voters to arrive anyway noticed that it was him. “They have noticed by the forehead”she said, unleashing laughter from her colleagues and journalists present.