They question the Spanish political leader who denigrated the birth of Jesus to exalt the virtues of feminism


The leader of the PSOE in Valencia, Sandra Gómez, became the object of strong questioning from the Spanish in the last hours, after denigrating the birth of Jesus in her eagerness to extol feminism.

The vice mayor of the capital of Turia shared on Christmas Day an image on her Instagram social network account of a woman characterized as the Virgin Mary in labor and added a strong message that was not well received by the millions of Spanish Catholics: “Even God was born from a woman’s pussy.”

Sandra Gómez expressed her wish that the celebration of Christmas “also serves to remember how wonderful, incredible and important women are.”

As reproduced by the newspaper ABC of Spain, the general secretary of the PSOE of Valencia finished her comment with an allusion to the feminist collective so that the celebration of Christmas “serves to remind us of how much our pussy is worth.”

The explanations of the leader

The newspaper maintains that the vicelcaldesa of Valencia -one of the most relevant local positions of the Socialists in all of Spain- tried to defend the feminist cause with the use of foul and unscientific language, arguing that human beings are “born from the pussy” .

The publication generated a barrage of criticism before which Sandra Gómez has interfered to describe the controversy as “absurd in the XXI century”.

As Gómez tried to explain, “even God needed a woman’s strength to exist. Even God needed her pussy with all that that means (strength, naturalness, instinct, and of course vital organ)”.

Therefore, “in the face of a childish, childish and prudish vision of reality, I prefer to value the fundamental role that women of this world play. And that God was the first to want to make visible,” said the leader.
