They present a project so that terminally ill patients can withdraw money from their pension funds


The socialist deputy Marcos Ilabaca presented a bill that seeks to allow terminally ill patients, to be able to use your pension funds with total freedom. This, with the purpose of “easing the pockets of those who are suffering. The initiative will be discussed this Wednesday, in the Constitution Commission, which is made up of the Ilabaca deputy himself. Therefore, he urges his colleagues to support his project.

Regarding the motivation of the project, the parliamentarian of the Los Ríos Region pointed out that “on several occasions we have seen how Terminal patients seek hope until the last day of their lives and their families are left with debt for trying to pay for expensive treatments to give a better pass to your loved ones. This is what I want to avoid, because we all deserve a good time and even more so when we experience a terminal illness in the flesh “.

“The social security savings are aimed at achieving a decent pension, but why should people suffering from terminal illnesses be subjected to not being able to use these resources? We believe that it is essential that all people who have a terminal illness can use their funds to pay for their health, have a good time or whatever they deem appropriate. Let us provide the support and freedom they deserve in their last days, ”he emphasized.

Also, the deputy Ilabaca indicated that “in the project that we will discuss this Wednesday, all patients who have a disease categorized as terminal are included, without further distinction, so that with the support of medical documentation they can manage said withdrawal, so I call my colleagues parliamentarians to support this initiative for the dignity of all patients ”, he concluded.
