Despite warnings from the authority, illegal fireworks were launched in various parts of the country, causing two fires that are being investigated in the Chiguayante communes in the Biobío Region and in San Bernardo, Metropolitan Region.
The first took place in the capital’s commune, after a flare fell on a house. The incandescent device had a rapid effect on flammable material and culminated in a declared accident that forced the assistance of three units of the San Bernardo-El Bosque Fire Department, at the intersection of Yelcho and Agua Marina streets.
A few minutes later, in the southern town, a new firework launched into the air ended its career at the Belgian School, located on Los Héroes street with La Marina. This second case caused by pyrotechnic fires, forced the presence of firefighters and police, who are investigating the event to clarify possible responsibilities.
It should be remembered that in the run-up to the New Year’s celebration, the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, had warned about the dangerous use of illegal pyrotechnics, noting that although “the absence of formal fireworks makes people want their own shows in the neighborhood or at home “, constitutes an” additional risk that unfortunately thousands of children and young people are running when handling this type of element “.
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