“The time has come to give collective isolation instructions in their homes to the entire population, where the high incidence is concentrated,” said Health Minister Jaime Manyalich on March 25, when the government decided to impose general quarantine in seven communes in Santiago. ,
19 days have passed since then, and the results seem encouraging, because the measure was able to smooth out the infection curve in at least six communes: Vitacura, Las Condes, Lo Barnechea, Providencia, Chillan and San Pedro de la Paz.
Problem? There are other sectors where the restriction does not apply, in which there was an explosion of cases, in accordance with the growth rate of infections obtained on the basis of data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture from April 3 to 10.
This last variable allows us to find out how many times the number of infected people has increased in each commune during the indicated period. The differences are noticeable, although Temuco appears as one of the exceptions to the rule.
There, despite restrictions, the distribution of Covid-19 was not noticeably stopped, which can be explained by a sad record: They lead to violations for non-compliance with quarantine.
Capital: from Puente Alto to Vitacura
“We hope that the implementation of this measure has not been delayed,” Puente Alto Mayor Herman Codina said on Monday. His statements came as a result of the government’s determination to quarantine one of the most populous communities in Chile.
The decision entered into force on April 9 and was taken against the backdrop of an explosion of coronavirus-positive cases in the area. According to the Ministry of Health, the number of cases tripled in the seven days mentioned above, from 45 to 239. Growth rates reach 3.14.
Communities that do not and did not have collective isolation are in a similar situation. Maipu, for example, another of the most populous in the country, doubled its number of cases at a speed of 2.61. The same thing happens with Central Station (2.44), Cilicoura (2.39), San Bernardo (2.21) and Pudahuel (2.09). All without quarantine.
Regarding the case of Puente Alto, Minister Menalic said at the end of this day that it was a “very vulnerable sector”, therefore “isolating a place where several people live on a few square meters is not just a victim that causes huge injuries and risks for health, especially mental and family violence, “therefore,” it should be used with great care and wisdom. “
“If you quarantine in such vulnerable sectors for a long time, it is obvious that the likelihood that they will respect him, that he will retain his value, and thirdly, that he will give the desired effect, is practically impossible.”
– Minister of Health Jaime Manyalich
Thus, the differences are noticeable in those communities where the restriction was imposed, as the curve seems to be smoothed out with much lower growth rates. Such is the situation in Las Condes (1.25), Vitacura (1.19), Lo Barneche (1.29) and Providencia (1.37).
The last three measure ends on Monday. Hence the concern of Providence Mayor Evelyn Matthew: “This is not a free songbird. We want to make this clear, because if we get infected again, many of us will return to quarantine, and this is very horrible, especially for families who have children and who live in apartments. The situation is really very, very difficult, ”he says.
For his part, Maypu’s mayor, Katie Barriga, hopes that “tomorrow our commune will be on the list of communes that are going to declare a full quarantine for the safety and tranquility of all our neighbors.”
Kuble and Bio Bio
What happened in the capital is repeated in Kubla. In Chillán, a restricted city, the growth rate is only 1.43, while in Yungay cases tripled (3.80).
Meanwhile, in Bio Bio San Pedro de la Paz (1.30) it was possible to control the explosive increase in the number of infected after the announcement of the sanitary cordon, and then quarantine.
The picture is different in Tom. There, cases also tripled (3.33).
In Hualpen, where social exclusion was just realized last week, the growth rate is 1.66. Follow him Concepcion (1.53) Chiguayante (1.54), without measurements.
According to Sebastian Ugarte, head of the critical patient department at Indis Clinic, “quarantine saw health effects” and demonstrated “the ability to slow the spread of the epidemic.”
“The results obtained in Chile are very positive,” the doctor said with regard to the flexibility with which the measure was implemented in different cities of the country.
Therefore, the government will insist on this measure. According to the statement of Minister Manalich, on Tuesday a new list of communities will be announced in which the restriction will come into force.
“I can predict this now, the number of communities in the country that will be quarantined” much older the one who stops being quarantined, ”the Secretary of State said on Monday, although without going into details.
Temuco: nothing to do
Other cases are Temuco and Punta Arenas, where, despite the existence of a common quarantine and sanitary cordon since the end of March, the curve is not smoothed, reporting an increase of 1.51 and 2.09, respectively.
One of the reasons explaining what happened in the capital Magallanes is contempt for the measures taken, explains Marta Werner, academician of the medical faculty of Concepcion University.
“Quarantine has been shown to be a measure that can stop the infection,” he adds. And he warns: “In addition to the decree, what matters is that people abide by it.”
“One thing is a decree, and another is to abide by it. In addition to being sick, they are going to infect other people, and the measures that are imposed should protect us all, ”he says.
The situation in La Araucania is clearer. Temuco leads a sad story: it is a commune with most violations for non-compliance with quarantine. At least this is the case in three of the four Carabineros reports released between April 7 and 10.
In those days, an average of 77 people were surprised by this situation, whereas on Thursday last week more than a quarter of offenders throughout Chile came from this commune.

“We need them to understand that social exclusion is the only thing that prevents infection,” Andrea Balladares, Presidential Representative in La Araucania, insisted on Monday.
For his part, Luis Sepulveda, the head of defense in the area, expressed regret that there are still “people who irresponsibly still do not abide by the rule of staying at home.”
“At the same time, there were meetings with Pinera with President Kirchner, and, as he said to our questions,“ one plus one is two ”