They extend the detention of a subject accused of new femicide in Viña del Mar


The Guarantee Court of Viña del Mar extended until Sunday the detention of the alleged author of femicide of his partner, in the Miraflores Alto neighborhood of Viña del Mar.

This is because the Prosecutor’s Office requested time to exhaustively carry out the rigorous expert opinions product of the complex conditions in which the corpse was left after the subject, with the initials IEDS, set fire to the apartment in which they lived.

this crime is the sixth femicide Consumed so far this year in the Valparaíso Region.

Neighbors in the sector reported that the woman reported the subject in the afternoon, because he left her outside the department in which he resides, which meant that the PDI arrived and took the man away.

However, they reported that half an hour later the perpetrator returned home.

“We told them that the man mistreated her and beat her, even that he could kill her, we told them but the man returned with kicks. It was not just once, but it was repeatedly “, one of the neighbors reported.
