A dramatic case was denounced this afternoon by auditors from Radio Bío Bío in Rancagua, after narrating the aggression by a man against a young woman in the open road, to later escape with her inside her vehicle.
According to Héctor, an Uber driver, he was leaving a passenger at the intersection of Granada streets with Diego de Almagro, when he saw a man hit a young woman – presumably her partner – with such force that she even left her bleeding.
Our auditor indicated that both he and other people tried to arrest the subject, however, he was “alienated”, threatening, insulting and throwing stones at those who tried to approach him.
Finally, the young woman, who could not be helped, got back into the vehicle despite her injuries, after which the man began to turn in the car even against the direction of traffic, and then marched “at full speed” towards the west of the city.
Listen here to Héctor’s call to our journalist Rafael Venegas:
Héctor pointed out that he repeatedly called the Carabineros for almost half an hour, and although there is a Sub-Police Station near the sector in Diego Portales, and that he was told that a cell phone had already been dispatched, Until the time of the call, they still had not been present at the place.
According to her description, the man wore a leaden shirt and a jockey, while the young woman wore a pink shirt. The vehicle in which he was traveling is a Toyota Tercel in lead color with black bumper and black antenna, patent WY5985.
Radio Bío Bío got in touch with the mayor of Rancagua, Eduardo Soto, to convey the information directly to him and try to obtain immediate action from the authorities, given the risk that the young woman may be running.
UpgradeAccording to information provided by Mayor Soto to Radio Bío Bío, after the complaint a police operation was triggered in the city, managing to find the whereabouts of the vehicle in the Cordillera passage, Las Camelias sector, but not from its occupants, who are still wanted until the end of this note. According to neighbors, both would have entered one of the houses in the sector.
The mayor indicated that he is on his way to the place where the car was found, and that the governor of Cachapoal, Felipe Uribe, was aware of the situation.
The following is a video sent by an auditor from Radio Bío Bío in Rancagua:
If you have information about the occupants of the vehicle, contact the authorities or Radio Bío Bío at 800 810 810.