The Party for Democracy is analyzing freezing its relationship with the government after the police intervention of the Carabineros in the residence of the Carlos Macera de Talcahuano National Service for Minors, which resulted in two teenagers wounded by gunshots.
Heraldo Muñoz, helmsman of the opposition store pointed out that the measure will be applied while “Do not clarify and assume responsibility for what happened.”
Muñoz also reiterated the request to remove General Director Mario Rozas from the Carabineros.
This request was joined by the deputy Camila Vallejo, who stated that the new Minister of the Interior and Public Security, Rodrigo Delgado, “He must give explanations and once and for all stop shielding Rozas.”
For her part, Deputy Maya Fernández assured that the “General Rozas has to be removed now”By Minister Delgado.
Likewise, Senator Alejandro Guillier also pointed to the police chief and asked “Who assumes political responsibility? Who controls Rozas? ”.
The deputy and president of the Democratic Revolution, Catalina Pérez, meanwhile, said that “Rozas’s permanence does not last any longer. It is urgent to refound Carabineros ”.
This approach coincides with what is expressed by official voices, such as the mayor of Talcahuano, Henry Campos, a member of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI). “It is essential that today the responsibilities do not cut for the thinnest, but also make a responsibility on the part of the institutional high command,” he said.
For his part, the deputy for National Renovation Leónidas Romero stated that “Rozas must step aside.”
“A couple of ministers have already gone home and he continues to be in charge of the institution. Today there are more than 60 thousand men and women who are working in the Carabineros de Chile. There are some who exceed their powers and who act violently, so I think it is necessary that the government and that President Piñera and the Minister of the Interior take drastic measures, “he warned.
From that party, the deputy Diego Schalper distanced himself from the statements of his peer and stressed that President Sebastián Piñera “barely knew of the situation, he did three things immediately: he instructed an emergency meeting with the Ombudsman for Children, with the Minister of Interior, with the Minister of Justice and the director of Sename to take the background, instructed that the director of Sename go to the center and instructed the director general of the Carabineros to conduct an internal summary, and take the background to the Prosecutor’s Office. I know that the people of the opposition want to make a political point of this, but let’s say things as they are”.
The Chamber of Deputies summoned a special session this Thursday at 10:00 am with the presence of the Ministers of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, and Justice, Hernán Larraín, to report what happened. This while the Budget 2021 project must be dispatched.