The High Complexity Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Police detained a man accused of assaulting two older adults and allegedly participating in an arson attack, both events occurred in Collipulli.
The first of them was registered on July 10 in a plot in the San Andrés sector. According to the antecedents, a group of hooded men assaulted two older adults, one 78 and the other 63, who had been beaten, threatened with firearms and stolen a revolver, a shotgun, 200 thousand pesos in cash and other species.
The band communicated with radio equipment and was led by a subject whom they named as “commander.” According to the victims’ account, the subjects entered looking for weapons, telling them “I’m going to kill them if they don’t give me their weapons, I’m looking for iron”.
On the other hand, the other fact that is accused occurred on August 3. During a march in the same commune in support of Mapuche prisoners on hunger strike, a legal office located in front of the Prosecutor’s Office and that shares premises with the Civil Registry was attacked.
The incident was recorded with cell phones both by people who remained outside, and by a victim who was inside the building, when he was burned by hooded men, and who can be seen in the following videos.
Due to these facts, the Prosecutor’s Office issued a court order that allowed the PDI to search the home of the accused, identified as Miguel Ángel Torres Toro, located in the Antinao community, in the Pidima de Ercilla sector. There they seized 5 shotgun shells, 4 radios and species that have been stolen in the theft from the elderly.
The investigation is carried out by the High Complexity prosecutor, Enrique Vásquez, together with the Malleco Operative Group, with which the outbreaks for violent thefts of vehicles and truck fires are worked, and which is made up of officers from the Robbery Investigator brigades, Organized Crime and Special Police Investigations.
This article describes an ongoing legal process
There is a possibility that the charges will be dismissed at the end of the investigation, therefore The accused (s) should NOT be considered guilty until Justice dictates sentence against him.
(Article 04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)