Two men arrested this Wednesday in the Los Ríos region will be formalized for the alleged crime of cattle rustling – theft of cattle. It should also be noted that one of the two is an active Carabineros official of the San José de la Mariquina commune, who will also be formalized for the alleged crime of driving a motorized vehicle with a license plate belonging to another car.
It was the prosecutor Álex Montesinos who confirmed this Wednesday that the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Investigative Police carried out the arrests.
The foregoing, within the framework of an investigation by the Criminal Analysis and Investigative Foci System Unit of the Los Ríos Regional Prosecutor’s Office.
The persecutor indicated that it was possible to prove that in June of this year both defendants – one of them a policeman in exercise of the San José de la Mariquina commune – they kept a bovine valued at $ 400 thousand that would have been stolen from a plot in the town of Mehuín.
It also pointed out that it was found that the vehicle used to transport the animal had its license plate adulterated.
“Both defendants, it was possible to corroborate throughout the investigation, that they kept and possessed an animal in that period, specifically a bovine that had previously been stolen days before from a plot in the sector”, Held.
He added that “throughout the investigation it was also possible to verify that the vehicle used by the defendants to transport this animal was a vehicle that had its license plate adulterated, license plate or numbering that would correspond to another vehicle with the same characteristics that circulates in another commune of the country ”.
“It was also possible to verify that one of the defendants is a practicing Carabineros official who performs functions in one of the police units of the San José de la Mariquina commune”, he assured.
Regarding the detention, it indicated that it was achieved after a series of special investigation procedures, including the use of an anonymous informant and the monitoring of the telephone conversations of the accused.
On the other hand, the sub-prefect Marcelo Muñoz, head of the Bicrim, indicated: “By virtue of the investigation carried out by detectives from the Valdivia Criminal Investigation Brigade, in coordination with the Office of the Prosecutor for Criminal Analysis and Investigative Focuses of the region of Los Ríos, for crimes of cattle rustling that occurred in the area, today (Wednesday) arrest warrants issued by the San José de la Mariquina Guarantee Court were materialized.
As noted, said operation culminated in “two people arrested, one of them being an active Carabineros official (…). Both detainees will be made available to the San José de la Mariquina Guarantee Court for the respective hearing to control the detention scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) “.
Meanwhile, the Carabineros ruled out the discharge of the accused official, but the initiation of an internal administrative investigation into the case was confirmed.