Officers of the Homicide Brigade of the Valdivia Investigative Police, within the framework of proceedings ordered by the Collipulli Guarantee Court, for the crimes of homicides and serious injuries, managed to arrest in the public thoroughfare of the capital of the region of Los Ríos to Ana Karen Loayza Muñoz.
The woman was wanted for her participation in the murder of Alejandro Treuquil, werkén (spokesperson) of the Mapuche community of the Collipulli commune, We Newen, who was killed on the night of June 5, during the curfew that runs across the country every night, within the framework of the State of Constitutional Catastrophe Exception in force due to the coronavirus pandemic. The victim died from a ballistic impact and three other people from the same community were injured.
On the night of the events, the victim along with these three people, one of them a minor, left the community in the direction of an uncultivated site on the side of their land. There they were ambushed and accosted by armed individuals.
According to the investigation of the case, the ambush was planned by Carlos Muñoz Salamanca (29 years old), formalized by the La Araucanía Prosecutor’s Office at the end of September.
After killing the Mapuche spokesperson, the group beat up the other community members and left the place. The Prosecutor’s Office established that the day Treuquil was the victim of this ambush, Muñoz was accompanied by Ana Loayza who also shot that day and who remained with an arrest warrant.
“Today, detectives from the Valdivia Homicide Brigade proceeded to arrest the adult woman, who had a pending arrest warrant for the murder of Alberto Alejandro Treuquil Treuquil, which occurred in the month of June in the commune of Collipulli. According to the history of this Temuco Homicide Brigade, which they were able to gather during the investigation, it was determined that this woman had been recognized at the scene of the event; Therefore, various procedures were carried out to locate it, which materialized today in the city of Valdivia”Said Commissioner Juan Neira Morales.
Muñoz Salamanca is currently in preventive prison, charged with qualified homicide, serious injuries, violation of the drug law and the control of weapons and explosives.
Ana Loayza Muñoz, will be presented this Saturday before the Court of Guarantee of Collipulli, for the hearing to control the legality of the arrest and formalization of charges, for the crimes of homicide with treachery and premeditation and serious injuries.