“They are overcome day by day for doing everything wrong”: Cordero explodes against Seremi after Covid-19 outbreak in La Calera


Fernando Cordero exploded against the Seremi de Salud, after it reported a new positive in Unión La Calera, in addition to six probable and 11 close contacts. Through his Twitter account, the cement player launched himself against the health authority, accusing it of leaking the results of the PCR tests without notifying those involved previously.

“Clarify and make transparent, the campus has no idea of ​​the results of the pcr and 2 days ago they did it, I find a lack of respect, that the laboratory and @SeremiSaludRM filter information without informing those affected, they are overcome every day for doing everything wrong, “said Chiqui.

The left-hander also expressed his annoyance at the allegation of identity theft against Alexis Martín Arias that Seremi made against the V Region club, which is still being investigated by the Viña del Mar Prosecutor’s Office.

“3 weeks ago they have been putting us in trouble, talking about impersonation that did not exist, publishing the identity of a colleague and its results (prohibited by law), now they send terrible shit filtering information again, apart from doing things wrong, they are (emoji of toad) ”, he continued.

And he fired at the Seremi de Salud de Valparaíso, Francisco Álvarez, for making the information known without first notifying the members of the Caleran delegation. “Mr. Francisco Álvarez, did you seem to inform those involved before throwing everything to the press? My 8-year-old daughter just called me asking if I’m okay, she didn’t think about the weaita before she wanted to become famous! “
