This Monday the dates were announced according to the division of surrender groups for the University Transition Test, which was separated into two days as a health measure to face the pandemic.
The first group will give the test on January 4 and 5, while the second on January 7 and 8, thus dividing, randomly, in two batches the more than 268 thousand registered throughout the country.
In parallel, the Coordinating Assembly of Secondary Students, Aces, led various demonstrations on the outskirts of the DEMRE building, located in Ñuñoa, against the test.
After an hour of demonstrations, Carabineros evicted the building. In total, they arrested 25 people and the Aces affirmed that it will continue with the marches even during the examination process.
Catalina Garay, spokeswoman for Aces, pointed out that the University Transition Test (PTU) continues to be segregating, especially in the context of a pandemic.
The director of Demre, Leonor Varas, stressed that the changes requested by the secondary schools are being made gradually.
Entering the DEMRE website, It will be possible to review the group and commune of surrender of the test by logging in with the RUT and password created. Venues and rooms will be announced on January 2.
The University Transition Test will not be suspended due to changes in phases or if a commune is in quarantine, since those registered can be mobilized carrying the Identification Card.
Likewise, those who are infected or in quarantine, will have the possibility of taking the exam on a third day to be defined.