Beer / Referential image. – Getty

A true tragedy. The Trade Union Association of Botillerías de Chile Owners (Agbotch) filed a complaint with the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (FNE), accusing shortages in recent months, especially in beers.

This complaint is against its suppliers, CCU and Andina, those who accuse of favoring supermarkets.

Suppliers assured Diario Financiero that supply problems in some locations are due to the high demand generated since the beginning of the epidemic, and to some delays in imports.

“We have not incurred any type of discrimination with this channel or with any other,” said Embotelladora Andina, one of those indicated by Agbotch.

“The differences in supply, in some products with respect to a normal period, are due to the high demand observed in the second semester, added to the health crisis and the impact of production at origin of some imported brands,” he explained.


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