“After the extreme events that shook the planet during the previous year, ruled by the Metal Mouse, we have no doubt that we have turned the corner of time, starting a path of no return towards a new cycle in the history of mankind. ”.
The above words are from Ángeles Lasso, a writer and astrologer who publishes her predictions for the new upcoming cycle through books every year. And when it comes to 2021, his diagnosis is not entirely calm.
“This year is led by the powerful Metallic Buffalo, who will be in charge of designing the new codes of conduct in a world invaded by invisible but also deadly dangers”, writes the Chilean in Chinese horoscope 2021 (Aguilar 2021), where he predicts the future between the consequences of the pandemic in tow.
“Just the fact of having to avoid any kind of physical manifestation of affection, such as hugs and kisses when greeting, of respecting the individual space of each one, making us feel as if we live inside intangible but unbreakable bubbles, without a doubt that will mean a transformation in our way of relating ”, he details.
From Argentina, the astrologer and poet Ludovica squirruIn turn, he shared his predictions for 2021 also according to the Chinese Horoscope and according to each sign. Here are some of the conclusions he shared with the trans-Andean newspaper La Nación.
Chinese Horoscope Formulas
AVERAGE – Years: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.
OX – Years: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.
TIGER – Years: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.
RABBIT – Years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2023.
DRAGON – Years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.
SNAKE – Years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025.
HORSE – Years: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026.
GOAT – Years: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027.
INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS – Years: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.
ROOSTER – Years: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029.
DOG – Years: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030.
PIG – Years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031.
“They have just gone through their own year (which continues until February) which makes them feel crushed, with limited energy to get up each morning. You will have to rearrange yourself and control your empathy to come to terms in this narcissistic world. In the year of the buffalo, your friend, the rat, will be able to have greater emotional stability, more security, balance to activate his ideas and put them into practice. The buffalo will be a strict father who will give him a thousand lessons ”.
Tips: “Don’t sign important papers in May, a troubled month in business matters, and beware of tripping on the street. In August recharge your batteries and you can prevail in any debate, you will be creative but also eager ”.
“Your image will stand out. His dominant and authoritarian spirit will be neutralized by new spiritual currents that will keep him entertained in social projects. In the year of their reign they will teach the rest of the mortals to understand the force of the low profile, the hard work to achieve the objectives; they know the routine as a law so as not to get lost on the way, the cosmic and earthly principles and the return to nature. They know that the year of the rat turned the world around forever and the buffaloes come to organize it again ”.
Tips: “Whenever you feel like you can’t take it anymore, remember that your great drive is your greatest virtue.
“The year that passed helped him to find himself, with his inner truth, leaving him ready to make his vocation of service available in the community with men. The tiger knows that the buffalo is the only animal in the Chinese zoo that sets limits and must accept them. Your leadership will settle on a depth of feeling, as the buffalo will force you to put aside the superficial. He will have a leading role in his town, his city, his country. It will be a year of conflicts with young women, either due to ill-reciprocated love affairs or failed friendships ”.
Tips: “Get back to nature and detoxify your digestive, lung and urinary systems. January and February will be months to retire and rest, even to rethink your work life. March will attract them towards love ”.
“The buffalo likes the rabbit; appreciates their sensuality, refinement, good taste in clothing, art and their infinite resources for survival. This year, therefore, it brings him many possibilities to reinvent himself, fulfill pending assignments, redirect business, summon partners for his social endeavors and he will even be able to employ other people ”.
advice: “Do not worry if the year does not start quite well, it is only the effect of the buffalo with the rat that will lead you to feel confused in sentimental aspects. Starting in March, everything begins to settle down because it will learn to avoid harmful people and to choose those who are good for it ”.
“His radar and his privileged health allowed him to go through the pandemic, the humanitarian crisis, the economic collapses and the confusion with integrity. This sign, the one most connected with the secrets of spirituality, knowing the infra and the overworld, woke up to a new consciousness without being blinded by its privileges of health, longevity, wealth and beauty ”.
Tips: “The youngest of the sign will face, upon leaving the year of the rat, several relationship problems: ghosting. abandonment, indifference and although in February you feel very requested it will be difficult for you to return to social life; he will want to isolate himself ”.
“The year of the rat did not meet their expectations but the arrival of the buffalo renews the enthusiasm of the snakes. This animal is your faithful friend, protector, partner and admirer: it will bring you peace, harmony and many plans, some impossible and others with many opportunities to be realized. You will achieve greater emotional stability, you will build good relationships with people who will come from abroad, you will heal ties and above all, you will develop quite a good mood. It will be a year to share achievements, food, travel, wisdom and your expertise; this will bring her new friends and disciples who will support her in social, sustainable and permaculture projects ”.
Tips: “Take care of your health, do yoga, tai chi, sports and apply the tao of love and sex. If the opportunity to travel presents itself, don’t hesitate, come out of your den. January, February and March are months that have the inertia of the year of the rat so you may want to be rather isolated, don’t fight against it ”.
“The buffalo loves and admires them, even physically desires them. But after the initial infatuation he takes an exam, seeks to tame them and generally succeeds. Horses in the year of the buffalo will have their hearts exalted; being passionate in spirit, they will hesitate to formalize relationships that are not born of passion but of companionship and mutual respect. Those who turn to the buffalo proposal will find a haven of happiness. They will nourish your soul more than your body.
Tips: “Take good care of your health, surround yourself with friends such as the goat, the tiger, the dog and the rabbit who are loyal to you. Work as a team so that when you feel tired it is the others who help you to keep pushing forward in common projects. Until June they will seek human contact, attract happiness and enjoy good company, even if they experience some love problems in April. It will be essential to walk, exercise and avoid substance abuse ”.
“They are complementary opposites with buffalo, which brings them a year of opportunity for 180-degree changes, that is, total. They will close cycles in places, they will open floodgates of solidarity, they will take root in new territories. They will leave toxic relationships and ties that tied them to the past, they will find recognition in communities that love them and appreciate their talents, they will be adopted by the buffalo so that they can display their creativity, their aesthetic sense and their beauty ”.
Tips: “This will be a year to take care of herself in her psyche and internal organs, especially her liver and lungs. January will not yet have a great buffalo influence so he will feel more shock than concrete achievements; run away from conflicts ”.
Infectious mononucleosis
“The year of the rat left him mobilized, quite beaten, too. The buffalo brings you the opportunity to apply everything you have learned, to give and receive, to be more cautious and more supportive, less joking and more careful with the feelings of others. The monkey is always torn between duty and pleasure, autonomy or integration, isolation or extraversion. This year he will seek calm, nature, a more stable and more organized job. You will adhere to schedules and become a positive leader in your work environment, helping pandemic survivors to organize themselves physically and mentally. You will find more concrete support, when facing projects, in your critics than in your apparent allies.
Tips: “Take care of your health, get off the palm tree and caress your loved one, accept that you need a comfortable home. January and February will enjoy an economic well-being but don’t squander your savings, save them for future contingencies ”.
“It will be a year to consolidate a new stage of his life, reformulate inconclusive situations, make duels and meet again with family, partners and friends. Your manual and intellectual skills will work to your advantage. It will reinvent itself in the post-pandemic of all the crises that it had to face: marital and labor. He will propose it and he will succeed: he will find a way to generate his own livelihood and improve his family life ”.
advice: “Exercise your leadership qualities, specifically if you are a female rooster and you have never dared to activate them, as you will break through your glass ceiling. Take care, yes, of your health, especially the digestive one, betting on comprehensive eating plans. January still under the influence of the sign of the rat will be a month to close projects started ”.
It will be a year of rethinking for the dogs that ran out of energy in the year of the rat. They are happy with the arrival of the credible buffalo. The year that passed was hard economically, she had to do everything to survive and guarantee the sustenance of her puppies; the buffalo brings peace to your worries, renews your hopes, fills you with enthusiasm for new projects. While you will not turn down challenges, you will be more cautious when making decisions. And a crucial one awaits him: leading a nomadic or sedentary life.
Tips: “Do yoga, taichi, detoxify your body; study a new career, do charity, pass on your own knowledge to others, dedicate yourself to teaching. January and February will be months of focusing on their mental, physical and spiritual health. ”
“You will find that you wasted precious time complaining. In the year of the buffalo, you will regain your organizational skills, reformulate your working method and bring innovative solutions to your community. He will be a good student of the buffalo: he will set up SMEs, seminars, biodiverse spaces and he will found artistic spaces. However, your efforts will barely give you what you need to live. It is not a season to dream beyond the day to day, if you learn to enjoy the here and now you will be happy ”.
advice: “Let yourself be carried away by the buffalo’s drive towards order and family; maybe it is what you have been looking for a long time. Watch what goes in and what comes out of your mouth, that is, what you eat and what you say. This way you will avoid problems and maintain the health of your body and psyche ”.