“Democracy in the United States is at risk.” That is the analysis of the former ambassador and former foreign minister Juan Gabriel Valdés 24 hours after the crucial elections in the United States that face the current president, the Republican, Donald Trump, and the democrat Joe Biden.
In the last hours of the campaign, down in the polls, worn down by handling the covid-19 pandemic, the worst economic crisis in the country since the Great Depression and a popular movement against racial injustice, Trump has focused his speech on warning against the “chaos” in the United States if a clear winner does not emerge quickly in the elections, as he considered that it could take weeks to determine a result and “very bad things” could happen in the period.
For the former Chilean ambassador to Washington between 2014 and 2018, the picture is worrying. “It is a phrase that I did not believe that I was going to say during my life … but it is evident that there is a serious risk to the North American democratic process, since the electoral process – which is one of the fundamental bases of any democracy – is in reality in danger ”, indicated Valdés in Radio Cooperativa.
According to Valdés, “there is a threat of non-recognition of the result and the democratic risk in the United States has consequences for the entire region (…) The United States is too central a country in the world to think that a type of deterioration of the democratic process does not it would have consequences for the region. “
From the surroundings of Biden, who has insisted to his followers that “it is time for Donald Trump to pack his bags and go home”, they also admit the risk of a legal dispute scenario.
“There is a likely scenario of a loose victory by Biden. Although the difference is very small due to the electoral college, it may be that by winning in some states from the point of view of numbers, or members of the electoral college, Biden could win in a rather surprising way, “the Spanish consultant told EFE Juan Verde, advisor to Democratic White House hopeful Joe Biden.
However, the advisor admits as “possible a scenario where the results are very tight, particularly in two or three states of the key states. Taking into consideration that the votes by mail will not finish counting for another six or seven days, this could create a very tense situation socially speaking and of uncertainty, which will put the country’s governance in question in the coming months , because we would enter a situation of legal battles at the level of counties, municipalities and states quite long; and the situation of the year 2000 could be repeated with Al Gore (…) I believe that it does not at all mean there will not be a peaceful change of government, but I do believe that it can create a very unstable situation ”.