A vulgar phrase appeared on the BancoEstado website for hours this Thursday. The fact was reported by several users on social networks.
The captures of the users revealed the vulgar phrase that appeared in the context of technical tests of the site, as recognized by BancoEstado to radio Bío-Bío.
In the same way, from the fiscal entity they indicated that they are not going to deepen this situation, since they will first resolve it internally.
The language of North Korean hackers is very strange🙄 #State Bank pic.twitter.com/U2S2SzmCTT
– Rockerísima😍 (@ CarolinCacao777) September 17, 2020
#State Bank This is the last straw pic.twitter.com/OhTEgE5akq
– Rodrigo J Quintana (@PlanetaQuintana) September 17, 2020
#State Bank a serious bank pic.twitter.com/ksJInLimMZ
– MegafonoPopular® (@MegafonoPopular) September 17, 2020
We have a #State Bank moment pic.twitter.com/GUY2k65BXX
– Sebastián Medina (@DonSebastian_M) September 17, 2020
And so was the page of #State Bank at dawn, they definitely have a serious problem, being a bank not having a security to match. pic.twitter.com/LdkyrZbLAj
– Ignacio Montes F. (@NachoMontes) September 17, 2020