The south of Chile suffers: Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions reach a record of daily cases of Covid-19


The balance that the Ministry of Health delivered this Saturday was negative for two regions of southern Chile, given that Los Ríos and Los Lagos reached record numbers of daily cases of coronavirus.

In the case of The rivers, the number reported this day reached 189 new infected (99 symptomatic and 90 asymptomatic), with which the total accumulated in said territory is 9,193 total cases since March 16, when the first case was reported.

And in that of The lakes, the number of newly infected amounted to 489 (273 symptomatic, 213 asymptomatic and 3 without notification), an unprecedented figure since when the first infected was detected in the area, on March 7. In total, the cumulative number of cases in Los Lagos rose to 26,659.

It should also be noted that during the last 24 hours, the figure reported in Los Lagos is the second highest in the country, only surpassed by 873 new cases in the Metropolitan region (530 symptomatic, 282 asymptomatic, and 61 unreported).

Precisely, in the area that houses the capital of Chile, for the second day in a row there were more than eight hundred new infections. The last time this happened was on July 26 and 27, when 802 and 912 infections were counted).

Thus, since the beginning of the pandemic, the total number of cases in the Metropolitan Region reached 320,809.

On the other hand, Antofagasta region This Saturday had 162 new cases (69 symptomatic, 91 asymptomatic and 2 without notification), the highest number since July 23 when the daily infected were 165.

Meanwhile, the Valparaíso region registered 299 new cases during the last day (209 symptomatic, 69 asymptomatic and 21 without notification), becoming the highest number since last July 4, with 301.

It should be noted that, at the national level, during the last three days there have been close to 10,000 cases.

Date Cases in the country
December 31, 2020 3,022
January 1, 2021 3,588
January 2, 2021 3,338
Total: 9,948
  • Arica and Parinacota: 10,906 cases.
  • Tarapacá: 16,006 cases.
  • Antofagasta: 24,049 cases.
  • Atacama: 8,554 cases.
  • Coquimbo: 14,358 cases.
  • Valparaíso: 36,281 cases.
  • Metropolitan Region: 320,809 cases.
  • O’Higgins: 21,787 cases.
  • Maule: 25,876 cases.
  • Ñuble: 10,878 cases.
  • Biobío: 48,380 cases.
  • La Araucanía: 23,395 cases.
  • Los Ríos: 9,193 cases.
  • Los Lagos: 26,659 cases.
  • Aysén: 1,609 cases.
  • Magellan: 17,104 cases.
  • Unknown: 58 cases.