The shadow of fraud rests on the police: they raid the Mutualidad de Carabineros


Between the contingency related to the social crisis, the pandemic and the delayed start of the trial, the investigation of the fraud in the Carabineros was in an apparent lethargy. But nevertheless, last Friday a stealthy diligence in the offices of the Mutualidad de Carabineros (Mutucar), an organization that provides insurance services to officers of the uniformed police and the PDI, triggered concerns police officers of the case that prompted the crisis in Carabineros.

Police officers from the OS-7 of Carabineros arrived at Paseo Bulnes # 157, after receiving a seizure instruction from the Magallanes regional prosecutor, Eugenio Campos.. The persecutor leads the investigations of the Mutucar edge of fraud, in which he is investigatedirregular distribution of surpluses from the insurer among the nine members that make up the board of this body, between 2010 and 2017.

According to the statute of the uniformed institution, the Mutual Society is administered by a council of nine members, of which three hold office in their own right. These are the general director of the Carabineros, who presides over it; the Carabineros welfare director, who serves as vice president, and the PDI general director.

In April 2018, and before the questions of the Comptroller to the procedure of these payments, the general director of the Carabineros at that time, Hermes Soto, and the general director of the PDI, Héctor Espinosa, resigned their salaries for integrating the council.

But today, in October 2020, the concerns in both branches of the police are that The Public Ministry continues to investigate how much money the members of the board of directors received, an amount that would fluctuate between $ 45 and $ 60 million, according to sources in the case. Among them, for example, the eventual receipt of money from the Carabineros chiefs from 2017 backwards is investigated: Bruno Villalobos, Gustavo González-Jure and Eduardo Gordon. In addition, according to sources in the case, the surpluses that the active general Mauricio González would have received between 2015 and 2017, when he joined the said council, are also investigated.

Regarding the situation of General González Marín, sources from the institution indicated that the officer has not been formally notified about the return of the money, and when he is informed, he will review the antecedent and take the courses of action to make the return, if necessary. that it corresponds.

For these reasons, the diligence was carried out in extreme reserve, since it involves high-ranking officials. The police and prosecutors attended the procedure with the entry and registration authorization issued by the Seventh Guarantee Court of Santiago, the one who pointed out that “That the aforementioned antecedent constitutes a serious, reliable and sufficient indication for the purpose of informing the court of the existence of the commission of typical and unlawful acts”, such as embezzlement, illicit appropriation, money laundering and infractions of the Law of Stock market.

In the brief, it was also stated that “The judicial authorization of entry, registration and seizure of the Mutualidad’s accounting, especially the accounting books, the Daily Book and the General Ledger, as well as the ‘auxiliary books’ or ‘account analysis’, the computational accounting, the supporting history of the same, from the year 2003 to date, and the financial statements from 2010 to date. “Purchase and sale contracts were also requisitioned.

Not only the Comptroller’s Office and the Public Ministry have questioned the distribution of surpluses of the directors, but, according to the Mutucar statutes, these must be used to increase the funds of the beneficiaries of the organization: the police and their families. Another background that generated “surprise” among the investigators is that those who were the “account inspectors” of the Mutualidad, in charge of ensuring the correct use of resources and money, would have been the alleged leaders of the fraud: Flavio Echeverría and Iván Whipple.

The controversy added a new actor. On September 9 of this year, the Undersecretariat of Justice, through official document ORD 4838, requested the restitution of the monies obtained by the directors. The document details that the members of this board of directors, and those who have obtained this money, must adopt measures to reverse the eventual economic perjury that the “undue” payment of remuneration.

It is also provided that they must make available to the corresponding internal body, all the information related to the payment of surpluses, honoraria or any remuneration that the members of the Board of Directors of the Mutualidad de Carabineros have received, so that the circumstances of the delivery of these monies are investigated and clarified.

Moreover, the office is precise in pointing out that It should be investigated how the resolution that led the Mutual Society to reward its directors and president for not complying with what the law originated.

From the Ministry of Justice they indicated that “In these cases, the Ministry, through the Department of Legal Persons, instructs an inspection procedure, so that in the specific case, the reported entity adopts the corresponding measures in order to regularize its operation. However, if this does not happen, it could risk the cancellation of the legal personality ”.

Given this background, the civil police indicated that “it is possible to point out that it was the PDI itself who denounced a series of irregularities in the management of the Mutual Fund, both to the Public Ministry and to the Financial Market Commission (CMF).”

They added that “Parallel to these complaints, the institution requested a statement from the Comptroller’s Office so that the PDI staff would stop belonging to said Mutual Society, until there was clarity in the financial and administrative procedures of said entity. However, the Comptroller General of the Republic ruled that for legal reasons we should continue to belong as an institution to said corporation, for the purpose of life insurance ”.

In the last lines of their statement, they indicated that “Regarding the supposed amount that the director must reimburse, so far no notification has been received from said entity, however, all the information is in the possession of his private lawyer. Finally, it is surprising that the Mutual Society of Carabineros deliver incomplete information to the media, with the sole objective of muddying the image of the highest authority of the institution.
