In a year plagued by resignations in the National Professional Soccer Association, this time it was the turn of the competition manager Rodrigo robles, a position he had assumed in January 2019.
From the ANFP they reported that “Mr. Rodrigo Robles Ardouin submitted his voluntary resignation from the position of Manager of Professional Leagues of the ANFP, which will be effective as of December 31, 2020. His decision is due to strictly personal reasons “.
The statement from the governing body of Chilean soccer adds that “Rodrigo has served in our Association for almost two years, during which he was in charge of the mission of leading the strategic management of the professional championships organized by the ANFP “.
The association ends the note thanking “his contribution during these years and wishes him the best of success in the tasks he undertakes in the future.”
Robles’ resignation comes at a complex moment, due to the pressure of trying to finish the National Championship 2020 no later than January 31, 2021, with a schedule that makes it impossible due to the suspended commitments due to the Chilean participation in international cups, something that could get worse if Catholic University and Coquimbo Kingdom advance in the South American Cup.
Further, Robles’ departure is due to questions from different clubs that have expressed for some months their dissatisfaction with the answers he gave (or not) the now former league manager.