The reasons why Ricardo Yáñez did not report the events to Undersecretary Ubilla


This Thursday, and after the resignation of Mario Rozas, the President Sebastián Piñera appointed Ricardo Yáñez as the new General Director of the Carabineros, who until yesterday served as deputy director of the uniformed institution.

Previous to that was National Director of Order and Security, a position he held during the crisis due to the social outbreak. Because of this, Yáñez had to testify as a witness in the case of Gustavo Gatica, a young man who lost the vision in both eyes due to injuries caused by the impact of pellets thrown by the Carabineros during the demonstrations.

Read also: From a police station and field specialist: Who is Ricardo Yáñez, the new general director of the Carabineros

Yanez declared in front of the Public Ministry on December 5, 2019 in dependencies of the North Central Prosecutor’s Office. There he explained, according to the statement he had access to CNN Chile, which at that time had under its command all the area headquarters at the national level, as well as specialized areas of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Drugs, Private Security and Family, as well as Borders.

It also specified that the Public Order control area depended on the Metropolitan Area and not directly on it.

Gustavo Gatica

The events that left Gustavo without vision occurred on November 8 of last year, and almost a month later, Yáñez appeared before the Prosecutor’s Office to deliver a history of how did the institution proceed after this case and what were its responsibilities in it.

As indicated at that time, He did not remember when he found out what happened to Gatica and added that “this fact was reported by the FFEE prefecture itself.. The original information that I receive is that the event occurred in Vicuña Mackenna with Alameda ”.

On the other hand, he clarified that I understood that the person in charge would be a captain and that the report presented by the Carabineros was “very brief”, since “a general context is denounced, only the use of the weapon, and the knowledge that there was an injured person from whom no further information was obtained.”

Read also: Javier Macaya apologizes to General Yáñez for leaked audio: “I have always supported the Carabineros”

Due to the same, and the alleged lack of information, the current director general of the Carabineros He declared that he had not informed the Undersecretary of the Interior – Rodrigo Ubilla at that time – about Gatica, because “we had no prior information regarding the victim, nothing”.

At the end of his statement, Yáñez reiterated his “willingness to cooperate, in the Directorate we have a lot of consolidated information. We want to find those responsible for those who incurred in non-observance of the protocols and that they have not only done serious damage to the institution, but to the country, “he concluded.


With regard to non-lethal anti-riot weaponry, in particular shotguns, Yáñez indicated that these correspond to 12 mm caliber and pellets of the same caliber.

In addition, he reported that was part of the working groups that defined the updating of the regulations on the use of force by the uniformed in the mobilizations, precisely at the beginning of them, after the incidents registered in the social outbreak.

He detailed that in this case, the Personnel training had to be carried out by FFEE personnel from each area and make known the protocol and the modification of the circular on the Use of Force.

Regarding Labocar’s 2012 report regarding the effects or risks of using the anti-riot shotgun at less than 30 less, he declared not knowing it and did not know that Cyprus I had published it. This text specified the danger of using pellets at close range and that their shots had to be aimed at the lower areas of the body.

Read also: After two years in office: The questions that marked the management of Mario Rozas at the command of the Carabineros

He added that new ammunition tests were also carried out due to the effects produced in the crisis and that Labocar was ordered to make an analysis of the shotgun cartridge to see its composition. Results that showed that they were made of rubber and that contradicted those provided by the University of Chile, which determined a lead-based composition.

“Shooting with a pistol can be given direction, and we are taught that throughout our professional careers. In the use of the shotgun, on the other hand, the shot cannot be directed, if I shoot at 8 or 10 meters I can kill it. At a greater distance the impact is less, but the dispersion of the pellets is greater. What can also cause harm, “Yañez added in his statement.

He also indicated that his communication with the undersecretary of the Interior at that time, Rodrigo Ubilla, was “frequent and permanent” and that “as the National Director of Order and Security, I have to carry out the consolidation of all relevant events at the national level (…) when there are situations with deceased persons, we kept a record of all that information, and it is consolidated.”

As for whether he gave any instructions or orders for the correct use of anti-riot weapons, he indicated that they gave written instructions, and that “I also met with the generals via videoconference”, he sentenced.
