The Provoste era began: new President of the Senate must handle complex relationship with La Moneda and intense agenda of key projects


The senator of the Christian Democracy, Yasna Provoste, was elected president of the Senate, by winning by 24 votes to 17 over her opponent, José García Ruminot. By a pre-established political agreement, the opposition determined that the front be occupied by the DC. Senator Jorge Pizarro will be in the vice presidency. In this way, the table that was headed by Adriana Muñoz (PPD) and Rabindranath Quinteros is replaced.

After thanking the previous management, Provoste in his inauguration speech recalled that “I assume this duty as what I am: woman, teacher, mother and wife, humanist and Christian, born in Vallenar, Diaguita descendant and daughter of a working family middle class. It will be this same spirit that will shine in the investiture that is conferred on me today, “he said.

“There is less than a year of government left and, nevertheless, it is still possible to trace the low flight. This year we must offer certainty to Chileans and Chileans. The assurance of not having been left to their own devices and that sanitary measures have been taken , social and economic, sufficient and timely, that support them, “he added.

In this context, Yasna Provoste highlighted part of the most important thing on the legislative agenda for the period, which in parallel represents a complex agenda for the Government in terms of the projects that the Executive seeks to approve before the end of its term, such as pension reform. or, more in the short term, the third withdrawal of 10% or some state aid to contain it. Similarly, Provoste mentioned the processing of some things that it considers a priority, such as the reform of Carabinieri, legislate a Universal Basic Income, an amendment to the Water Code, end the adoption law and process a forgiveness of a significant part of the debts associated with the State Endorsement Credit (CAE) for Higher Education, among others.

“In this Congress we want to legislate. We want to dialogue. We want to solve the problems of the real Chile. We do not want a permanent and irrelevant dispute over the powers of the Executive and Congress related to emergencies and projects,” said Provoste.

And his words are not random, since the relationship between the Executive and the Legislature has not been good in recent months, as recognized by the outgoing vice president, Rabindranath Quinteros.

“He always calls for a dialogue, but the President understands by dialogue to say amen to what he says. That is not dialogue. The President lost the opportunity, after the outbreak, to have agreed with the opposition on a work plan until the end of his mandate, with the measures proposed by the citizens themselves. The President, because of his character, because of his way of being, likes to win –who doesn’t like it–, but he likes to impose what he thinks. (…). The President is very special, “Senator Quinteros told The counter.

The senator made a mention of the situation of Human Rights in the country from the social outbreak. But it focused on the case of the teacher who was injured in Plaza Baquedano in the middle of a peaceful demonstration in which she only carried a poster.

“This did not happen in October 2019, nor in October 2020. It happened a few days ago, in February of this year. It happened after repeated reports of human rights, police abuses, and constitutional accusations. It is somewhat disconcerting,” he said.

Provoste emphasized that “I do not feel humiliated, nor do I think I am reducing the investiture of this position, when I ask that this insensitive and institutionally naturalized barbarity end at once. The country has suffered a lot and the sacrifice that it continues to bear is much. in an incessant fight against threats that still haunt him, “he said.

This part of the speech upset the ruling party. Particularly the senator of the UDI, Juan Antonio Coloma. The union parliamentarian affirmed that “I understand that we have always respected the democratic way in which the Senate chooses its authorities, and in that regard you have every right to raise whatever you want, that is why we have not intervened previously, but I will make a invitation not to transform the Senate into a political trench, an opposition trench, “he said. I understand what you may propose, but I do not want to, and I ask you to make an effort not to transform such an important and institutional institution into a political trench that generates violence or that generates hate that I think we are all on the sidelines of trying to look for it, “he added.

Provoste was quick to respond. “As has been the long tradition of president, not so long for female presidents, we are going to maintain an unwavering role with respect to respect for our Constitution in force in our country,” he said. The new President of the Senate emphasized that “I believe that when women speak loud and clear, many men understand that as a bellicose attitude. I will continue to be what I am: a woman of character and of saying things as they are,” she concluded.
