The profile of the Approve and Rejection voters


It is a magnifying glass to a historical election. And an exercise that serves to begin to understand the way in which the voting was configured. After Sunday’s elections, the signature autumn conducted a survey aimed at specifying how various population groups behaved in the plebiscite.

In said sampling -to whose content you accessed Third-, the general figures coincided with the numbers obtained by the I approve and Reject with a difference of just one percentage point: 77% for the first option and 23% for the second. And when looking closely, interesting clues appear: for example, that women they were more favorable by about three points to the Approval.

While in all age groups the option of changing the Constitution was imposed, among the under 35 years who said they had come to vote the position is 16 points stronger than those over 55. When analyzing socioeconomic groups, the triumph in the low segment it is very high: 89% declared that they voted for the Approval, 23 points more than the tall group.

Where the differences are greatest is due to political identification. Despite the fact that relevant personalities on the right -such as the mayor of Las Condes, Joaquín Lavín, and the Minister of Defense and former president of RN, Mario Overflows– They bet on that option, among those who claim to be from that sector, the Approval got 32% of the votes, being almost doubled by the Rejection, with 68% of the preferences.

Among those who claim to be from the center, meanwhile, the proportion is similar to the general vote: 75% for Approval and 25% for Rejection. The independents, for their part, opted for the first alternative by 87%, as did 95% of those who declared themselves on the left.

Something similar also happened among those who support and disapprove of the management of the President Sebastián Piñera. In the first case, the Rejection got more votes: 57% of those who support the work of the President declared having paid for that option. But in the second group, the alternative of maintaining the current Constitution only achieved 18% of the support among those who responded to the poll.

Another factor that Cadem measured was the trends according to religion. Between who they claim to be Catholics, 74% voted Approve. For their part, evangelicals had a more contested behavior: although he also won that option, he achieved the 57% of preferences, with 43% opting for Rejection. Those who declared they did not profess any religion massively supported the Approve (89%).

And as for the employment situation, although the Approval won in all of them, where the lowest votes appear is among the retirees (57%) and homeowners (64%). Among those who have a job, the option achieved 76%; among the unemployed, meanwhile, it reached 89%, and among students the figure reached 92%.
