Gustavo Becerra / Photo: AgenciaUNO

Candidates for the Constitutional Convention continue to appear. The Progressive Party presented the 18 candidates who will compete for a seat in the body that will draft the country’s next Constitution.

After assigning their quotas to independents, more than 250 people enrolled in the PRO process and as a result, 18 candidates were reached.

Ruth Olate / Photo: Aton Chile Ruth Olate / Photo: Aton Chile

Among the names presented by the PRO is the actor Gustavo Becerra, popularly known as the “Guatón de la Fruta”.

The list is diverse and is made up of references from different worlds such as television, culture, academia and trade unionism.

Review the list of candidates presented by the Progressive Party for the constituent elections:

  • Ruth Olate: Former President of the National Union of Private Home Workers.
  • Carola Naranjo Inostroza – Igaiman: Anthropologist, Master in Gender Equality and in Psychology and PhD candidate in Studies of Women, Gender and Citizenship.
  • Goran Smoked: He was the Executive Director, in the periods 2007–2010 and 2011–2012, of Desafío Levantemos Chile.
  • Francisca Cabrera: High performance athlete. National selection of figure skating.
  • Alejandra Acevedo: Law graduate. Founder of the International Christian Coalition for Human Rights.
  • Patricio Paniagua: Film and Television Director.
  • Nicole Soto Madariaga: Lawyer, with teaching experience and internships at the Constitutional Court.
  • Bessy Gallardo: Graduated in Law from the University of Las Américas.
  • Darwin Loreto Johns: Lawyer and is a candidate for a Magister in Criminal Law.
  • Alicia Manonellas: He is a member of the Mixed Grand Lodge of Chile and the International Assembly of Freethinking.
  • Andrea Aguayo: President of the Alto Casares Neighborhood Board of Padre Hurtado.
  • Ernesto Garratt: Journalist from the University of Chile, film critic and writer.
  • César Fuenzalida: Host and panelist in the programs “Intrusos”, SQP, “Mucho Gusto”, “Alfombra Roja”, among others.
  • Juan Saavedra: Lawyer from the University of Concepción.
  • Daniela Ortega: Commercial Engineer and MBA. She was executive director of the Fundación Abejas de Chile.
  • Mauricio Llaitul: Werken of the Mapuche Tripay Antü Association.
  • Gustavo Becerra: Chilean actor and comedian popularly known as “Guatón de la Fruta”.
  • Marcela Riquelme: Lawyer from the University of Chile, Master of Law student.


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