the powerful release of China Suárez after criticism for sharing a photo in a bikini two months after her delivery


The actress María Eugenia “China Suarez was downloaded after receiving critics for sharing one photo in bikini two months after the delivery of her child Amancio, and where you can see the scar from your cesarean section.

Through her stories on Instagram, the Argentine commented and reflected on the negative comments that came to her about her body and her motherhood.

It’s my body, that was my recovery (…) It is clear that many times the pressure is placed on women, in almost all cases, because we are always pressured to be beautiful, to do things well, to be good mothers, to be independent, to work ”, he began by saying .

I am lucky to recover quickly after each pregnancy, and I don’t see what is wrong to share thatSo if someone explains it to me, great. I don’t know what sisterhood they are talking aboutHe snapped.

Likewise, it stated: “The puerperium is hard, but my attitude towards life and everything is to be positive, and many times you choose what to share ”.

“Maybe we are very exposed and you think you know everything and you don’t. That I do not upload a photo with damaged boobs or that I do not tell what some things about motherhood or raising my children are costing me…. there are things that remain in my privacy and that clearly I do not show or tell, “she said.

“But it has already happened to me several times that they dismiss a puerperium or that they say ‘that is not a real body’ or ‘that is not a real puerperium’. Who are they to say what is a real puerperium or what is not? That is what is not clear to me. Why are you constantly watching what someone else does, or how the other recovers or not? I don’t understand it, ”he asserted.

“It’s very tiring and you hear all kinds of things, and it’s always between women. If you had a cesarean section, you are less a motherIf you give him a bottle and the tit is not, you are a bad mother and so on. It’s really tiring. We all do what we can and do the best we can for our children and that is very clear, “he concluded.

Check here his statements:
