Every time the minister Jaime Mañalich appears in a press point or an interview generates an acid debate on social networks for his statements, which do not leave anyone indifferent in the midst of the pandemic.
This Wednesday again his words caused controversy, after noting that the entire team has received, and even tiredness, congratulations on how the treatment of covid-19 has been carried out.
After the delivery of the new figures in the country of the coronavirus, which reached 11,290 infected and 160 fatalities, the Minister of Health was asked about whether he would put aside the spokespersons to decompress the environment.
“I am absolutely clear that it is the moment when I have to be in charge of the Ministry of Health, and do everything possible, whatever is in my effort and the entire team that accompanies us, which has been congratulated by international authorities until fatigue, to get Chile ahead, ”he said.
Later and in another press point, the Interior Minister Gonzalo Blumel endorsed the sayings of his health counterpart, assuring that the work “has been recognized by national and international authorities.”
Mañalich’s statements did not go unnoticed and provoked strong criticism on social networks among those who are not satisfied with how the portfolio has carried out the fight against the virus and there were also congratulations from those who value their work.
“He has not been congratulated, the state of Chile in its entirety, the ones who have made the dirty snag have been the Health personnel !!”, said a Twitter user, while others mocked when the minister assured that the “books of Compin were full of congratulations. “
Mañalich’s main problem (and ours, therefore), is his pride:
2011: “We comply”
2013: “You don’t fool around with me, it’s because the protection I have is so strong”
2015: Abuses Aristegui on TV
2020: “I have been congratulated by international authorities to exhaustion”– Pablo Rebolledo (@prebolledoe) April 22, 2020
Before the covid-19 crisis I didn’t like it @jmanalich but the way he has to respond, direct, without hesitation, even arrogant, I like it and it has served him well in press conferences.
– Alejandro M. (@ Almoar07) April 22, 2020
Well minister, most of us Chileans support you, keep it up, do not change anything, you are not unfriendly, you are efficient and do not seek votes or have personal interest, only a vocation for service @jmanalich # ApoyoaMañalich https://t.co/ffdLvwZtuX
– rubymollo (@rubymollo) April 22, 2020
# Mañalich pic.twitter.com/tweOigE7mX
– Rayen Dariflore kuyenray (@ Rayen86829577) April 22, 2020
An error suspending classes? We were going so well @jmanalich but you returned to the arrogance of always What for?
– Sebastián Araya (@SebastianBizbit) April 22, 2020
Now @jmanalich it goes from: “the compin’s books are full of congratulations” to “they have congratulated me a lot internationally”… .hahahahaha pic.twitter.com/heKHbWwW7n
– Miguel Martinez (@ glider17) April 22, 2020
Congratulated by international organizations “to the point of exhaustion”.
– José Valdebenito + ᴀ + ᴄᴄ (@JoseValdeb) April 22, 2020
He has not been congratulated, the state of Chile in its entirety, those who have made the dirty snag have been the Health staff !!
– Diego Gaete Forno (@dgforno) April 22, 2020