The new warnings of the Cuban santeros that predicted the 2020 pandemic


For this 2021 that begins, priests of the Cuban Santeria warned about an increase in contempt for authority at all levels, breaches of contracts and an increase in migratory flows. They also indicated that the pandemic that plagues the world will be overcome, but they assure that you have to be calm and comply with the provisions.

The religious or babalawos, made these predictions after drawing their “Letter of the Year”, all through a ceremony that takes place every December 31 and that they make known in the following days.

“We cannot bother Olokun (orisha who represents the ocean) because when he gets upset we can face natural disasters, social explosion,” priest Alejandro Verdecia, a member of the Yoruba Association of Cuba, said in an interview with The Associated Press.

As a message from the reading of the sign and its holy rulers and companion, Verdecia had a message for the population: “We ask everyone to have faith that the situation we are going through will be overcome, but all calmly. We must comply with the commandments, for those who are not religious, comply with the Constitution of the country. It is calling us not to do illegal things. “

Although the prophecies, warnings and recommendations of the priests are universal, many in Cuba look for signs for what can happen to the country and their lives through the Letter of the Year. In the last edition of 2020, for example, pandemics and diseases were predicted, although no one dimensioned the scope of the new coronavirus, explained the priest.

The Letter of the Year was published this time on social networks and there was no face-to-face presentation as in previous times. The sheet that was distributed predicts some “events of social interest” associated with the sign, such as “increased contempt for authority in a general sense”, “Breach and breakdown of agreements”, “Increase in natural disasters that lead to both material losses as human lives ”. In addition to “increased migratory flow”, among others.

Among the “recommendations” is a call to analyze corruption, to instill respect and love for work, to comply with the laws and established hygienic standards.
