At 12:45 pm this Friday the television strip started ahead of the referendum on Sunday, October 25, the day on which Chile will decide whether or not it wants to draft a new Constitution.
The instance started with Reject option and the alternative of the Constitutional Mixed Convention, a formula that, if the approval is successful, will write the document mixing politicians and elected citizens.
Among the messages that they tried to install, the defenders of the current Magna Carta accused the current process “of being full of lies” and that the blank page “will be a disaster.”
Along with this, it was also stated that “if the Constitution is conceived under collective equality, it is put into jeopardize property rights, leaving it at the disposal of a popular sovereign State ”.
After that it was the turn of the I approve, which by having much more commands showed a greater number of videos. In addition, that portion advocated for the Constitutional Convention option, which includes 100% of citizens elected for the task.
Among the messages that were sent it was indicated that “They will try to scare us, but we lost fear a long time ago ”and that Chile must recognize its native peoples.
Deputy René Alinco, who took less than a second at his disposal, he showed a link to his own strip. Pamela Jiles was another of the parliamentarians who participated reiterating that “the grandmother approves.”
Emission of Electoral Strip September 25 Afternoon (second ID) from CNTV on Vimeo.
CNTV calls for order and responsibility
The president of the Socialist Party, Senator Álvaro Elizalde, explained that the Approval strip focuses on “the importance of writing a new Constitution” where the citizens are the protagonists.
Unlike, from the UDI, the former undersecretary of Regional Development, Felipe Salaberry, warned that – in his opinion – the Rejection’s position is one of “common sense” and that it is based “on the right to live in peace “.
By way of calling to order, the president of the National Television Council (CNTV), former Minister Catalina Parot, explained that the strip will be exhibited for 28 consecutive days and made a call to use the space responsibly.
“We think that it will have a strong impact on the historical process that we are experiencing. We call on political parties, commands and civil society organizations to spaces are used responsibly, respecting democracy, peace and pluralism ”, he commented.
After that, he asked to consider that the strip is broadcast during minors’ hours.
Due to the pandemic there were only two face-to-face acts: one was the command “I approve a worthy Chile”, with a banner in the Plaza Baquedano from Santiago.
The other time that the strip will have will be at night, at 20:45 hours, which will also last 15 minutes.