The “Iranian Angelina Jolie” faces 10 years in prison and the actress is asked to intercede for her


The 19-year-old girl known as the Iranian Angelina Jolie was sentenced to ten years in prison for her dream of looking like the famous actress. For this reason, from social networks activists for women’s human rights ask the Hollywood star to intercede for their freedom.

Fatemeh Khishvand, better known on social media as Sahar Tabar, was sentenced for the crimes of blasphemy and incitement to violence in her social media posts.

But in addition, the Iranian Angelina Jolie is accused of violating Iran’s dress code. The conviction comes a year after his arrest, which occurred in October 2019.

Called for the real Angelina Jolie

From her Twitter account, the Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad sent several messages asking the protagonist of “Maleficent” to help Sahar Tabar.

“I call on Angelina Jolie to help a 19-year-old Iranian girl who received a 10-year prison sentence for using makeup and Photoshop to become Angelina,” she wrote.

And he also warned that “the Islamic Republic has a history of tormenting women. We need to be united against this gender apartheid.”

“Sahar Tabar is only 19 years old. Her joke landed her in jail. Her mother cries every day for her innocent daughter to be released. Dear Angelina Jolie, we need your voice here. Help us,” Masih Alinejad explained.

So far, there has been no official statement from Angelina Jolie on the case. The actress is known for her human rights work, especially on the issue of refugees.
