About 25 seniors from the Florida New Dawn Center are being transferred from that compound to protect them from the Covid-19 contagion.
The above, as confirmed by Radio Bío Bío, due to the fact that it is a second outbreak of the pandemic in a home of this type in the commune of La Florida and until now, according to what was reported by Radio Bío Bío, this second house care would add 25 infected older adults.
Previously, last week, a first outbreak was generated in another nursing home that is located a few blocks from this second property.
According to Bío Bío added, at this time a comprehensive operation is carried out in the place to carry out the movement of people and, according to the UDI deputy, Álvaro Carter, the transfer efforts are in the hands of municipal officials, without until now presence of authorities of the Ministry of Health is reported.
The above, He was heavily criticized by the ruling parliamentarian.
“At the moment it is moving to those who are not positive to avoid infections. What is strange about all this is that the government that has said that everything is fine and we have the best health in the world, has not been seen. Strangely, the minister has attacked mayors several times, saying that they are seeking excessive prominence and at the moment, at this time, I have not seen anyone from the central government ”Álvaro Carter said.
“That is very rare, because they should be here, accompanying family members who need psychological help. Hopefully they can get closer. There are people who need, it is not number. Saying that they are 25 infected, there are 25 families, at least 100 concerned family members, hopefully the Government will put its hand to the heart and come to see them, “added Deputy Carter.
Will officiate the Minsal
The same deputy – brother of the mayor of Florida, Rodolfo Carter – stressed that the action of the municipality of Florida was key to discover that in that second nursing home in Florida there were 25 infected.
“We cannot find in the next few hours that there are more infected centers and residences for older adults. What bothers us most is that this is not an earthquake or tsunami, as if to say that you did not see it coming, but we saw them in the homes of the elderly in France, in Italy, How can we not take the necessary measures to avoid this? ”, He added.
Due to the above, Deputy Carter said that next week he will officiate at the Ministry of Health so that they can deliver the action protocols in these cases.
“It does not matter here if one is an opposition or official, the important thing is the people and at that point the protocol is not working. If they had already detected this, where is Seremi, where is the government, ”said Carter.