Opposition senators from the Finance Commission asked the government to speed up the definition of a new payment of the Emergency Family Income (IFE), considering that the end of the month is approaching and nothing has yet been reported on the matter.
What’s more, they push for the payment amount to be 100% and not be reduced as the Law would allow.
Government favors the highest amount for the fourth IFE bond and activates two more payments in the face of a complex economic scenario
Do you know if you can access? Minister Karla Rubilar confirms fifth and sixth payment of the Emergency Family Income
“The health, social and economic emergency situation continues and it is required that the IFE continue to be paid. The 40% most vulnerable of the population that are the beneficiaries of the IFE are suffering higher unemployment and falling income. What corresponds is to extend and pay 100% of the IFE both in September and October ”indicated the president of the instance, senator Jorge Pizarro (DC).
In fact, he recalled that the last UC employment survey revealed that the employment rate in the most vulnerable 40% fell to only 30% “that is, only 3 workers from those quintiles have jobs and 7 are unemployed and have no income.”
Also, the senator Carlos Montes (PS) stated: “the situation is still very restrictive in a good part of the country. 100% of the IFE should be paid, but maybe it could be differentiated by region. We are September 22 and it has not yet been clarified how much will be paid ”.
Given the comments of the senators, the Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Christian Monckeberg present at the Commission, he maintained: “There are very surprising figures regarding the IFE, the corrections allowed to support families in an important way. Soon the fifth and sixth payments will be announced in more detail, which I do not want to advance because it is not part of my competence, but everything indicates that it is advancing in that line.
The law that established the IFE at $ 100,000 for people in a household of up to 4, established an article 5 bis that allowed a fourth contribution, which was already delivered in August, in 100% of the amount, but does not indicate anything about a fifth and sixth contribution for September and October. “I understand that Article 5 bis establishes that the payment amount for the next few months should be 80%,” commented Senator José García (RN).
According to statistics from the Ministry of Finance, as of August 27 2,995,441 households were benefited with this emergency income, which is equivalent to 7,664,163 people benefited. In total, $ 578,724 million have been disbursed.
At the country level, 35% of all households belonged to the Metropolitan region (1,043,871), followed by 313,461 households of Valparaiso; 271,759 of Biobio; 224,859 households of The Maule; and 210,974 of The Araucanía.