He Christian Democratic Party became the big winner of the conventional primaries that made the pact Constituent Unit in various communes throughout the country.
According to partial results Updated at 9:10 p.m., the DC won in 27 of the 53 communes in which it participated with mayoral candidates.
In La Reina, considered one of the “key” communes, Falangist Sara Campos won, who currently serves as a councilor for that commune.
In dialogue with Radio Bío Bío, the candidate for the municipal seat stressed that “it was a very transversal alliance, all the candidates worked hard to head a progressive project and regain the mayoralty of La Reina.”
Partial results (DC winners)
1-Nogales, Ricardo Aliaga
2-Hualañé, Carolina Muñoz
3-Quillon, Miguel Peña
4-The Queen, Sara Campos
5-Valdivia, Gonzalo Espinoza
6-Valparaíso, Marcelo Barraza
7-Olmué, Alejandro Collao
8-Linares, Waldo Alfaro
9-Lolol, José Díaz
10-La Calera, Eduardo Martínez
11-The Mirror, Carlos Gardel
12-Freire, Luis Arias
13-Ovalle, Wladimir Pleticosic
14-Quinta de Tilcoco, Heli Carrasco
15-San Antonio, Jorge Jorquera
16-Melipilla, Juan González
17-Yumbel, Yolanda Romero
18-Conchalí, Alejandro Vargas
19-Quillota, Mauricio Ávila
20-Catemu, Felipe González
21- Quilaco, Pablo Urrutia
22-Panquehue, Gonzalo Vergara
23- Santa Juana, Jocsan Sanhueza
24- Quilpué, Cristian Cárdenas
25 – San Francisco de Mostazal, Verónica Arroyo
26- Nueva Imperial, Cesar Sepúlveda
27- Lampa, Carlos Escobar
On the other hand, in the Party for Democracy (PPD) they highlighted the victory in 9 of the 31 communes in which they participated as a candidate, obtaining important communes such as Chillán, Buin and Hualpén.
Final results (communes won PPD)
1. Buin
2. Chillán
3. Carahue
4. Walls
5. Hualpén
6. Pelarco
7. Mariquina
8. Pirque
9. Curanilahue