Coronavirus is not new in 2002, an outbreak of an unknown disease spread to 29 countries, infected 8,000 people and killed 10% of those infected.
At that time he was known as Sars (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) and, despite working on a vaccine, by the time the clinical trials were due to take place, the epidemic was already under control and the studies were stopped.
In 2012, another Coronavirus appeared, this time it was named MERS-Cove (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), which has moved from camels to people.
The same year, the need for a vaccine was again emphasized, panorama that has not changed today with SARS-Cov-2 or Kovid-19, which has already been infected by more than one and a half million.
Why have vaccines not been further developed?
Scientists from Houston, Texas, continued research and in 2016, they had a vaccine ready for the coronavirus, which caused an epidemic of SARS.
“We completed the tests and passed the critical aspect of creating a pilot vaccine manufacturing process,” said Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi at BBC Mundo.
The expert noted that they went to the United States National Institute of Health, but the answer they received was: “Look, now we are no longer interested.” Since the disease was already under control, they never received funding.
This happened not only with them, various research groups around the world stopped their studies due to a lack of interest from people, governments and pharmaceutical companies.
Scientists claim that SARS and MERS were “warnings” about the dangers of coronavirus and that If research continued, much faster progress would be made in vaccine development today.
Covid 19 is “Close cousin” ARVI, since “Both viruses are genetically similar to 80%”said Dr. Botazzi, “so that drug adaptation develops faster and the safety profile is already validated in humans.”
Problems of the post-coronavirus planet