La Moneda continues to maintain suspense over the possibility that President Sebastián Piñera will give a speech on October 18, commemorating a year since the start of the social outbreak. During the morning, Interior Minister Víctor Pérez pointed out that the President “has not set an exact date” for his intervention, however, from the opposition they view with resentment a possible presidential message.
“I believe that the President of the Republic should not give a speech and that he be silent on this occasion. But if he does so, let him be prudent and that his words are not provocative because he has been part of the problem ”, commented this morning the president of the PPD, Heraldo Muñoz.
According to the opposition leader, “a speech by the President on this occasion would not seem like it to me. I believe that he should pass this time, but if he does it, it should be based on unity, without provoking, because these are extremely delicate times ”.
In a similar vein, the Socialist senators’ bench also alluded to the behavior of La Moneda. Calling for social peace, this parliamentary batch raised through a public statement that “we demand that the Government put aside the strident headlines, unnecessary provocations, and generate the conditions that, in every democracy, must be met so that the legitimate mobilizations of the citizenship take place without affecting the Human Rights of the protesters ”.
In the Palace they do not want to stay under the commemoration of October 18 and for this reason it is expected that President Piñera himself will report on the progress in matters of the social agenda and emphasize that the plebiscite of October 25 was the institutional response to the guided outbreak from La Moneda.
Peaceful demonstrations
In addition, in the run-up to the first anniversary of October 18, the opposition also reflected on what this date has meant and on the possible demonstrations that may be generated this Sunday.
“We must exercise the right to protest the right to assembly in a peaceful manner to remember that what he did on October 18 was to reveal what we already knew, which were the pending accounts of the country in terms of equality, social unrest and the need for a profound change of structural reforms that in my opinion are necessary to move towards a welfare state, ”said Heraldo Muñoz.
Regarding the demonstrations that are expected for this Sunday, the former foreign minister said that “I hope it will be done in peace, with respect for other citizens. Sometimes I see small merchants damaged by violent demonstrations and destruction and I think of my mother who had a kiosk in Central Station where she lined buttons and I think then that many small merchants are destroying their lives. So, let’s demonstrate with force, it is a human right, but to do it peacefully ”.
Meanwhile, focusing on the plebiscite of October 25, the Socialist senators indicated that “it is essential for the proper development of this process, to relieve the necessary social peace for its achievement. The magnitude of the challenge requires that all sectors of our society contribute to this purpose, without reservation. Socialist senators reiterate our call to citizens to exercise their right to public assembly and protest peacefully, rejecting any violent action that involves risks to people, the destruction of buildings or sources of work, as well as adopting all the sanitary measures that allow to protect the individual and collective health, in the current context of pandemic ”.
As we have changed
Another point of analysis is how the country has changed this year since the start of the outbreak. In this regard, Heraldo Muñoz focused on the fact that “there is an increasingly broad consensus that Chile needs profound social changes, structural changes towards a welfare society, towards a new Constitution. We are heading towards a new national consensus and I would hope that this will translate into a great social pact with national unity ”.
The PS senators’ bench, meanwhile, pointed out that with the demonstrations of the outbreak, “the questioning regarding the rules under which our democratic, political and economic system operates has deepened” and “from there an important debate has been developed on the challenges that will have to be addressed in the coming years and what are the fundamental pacts that Chilean society must reach in order to build a more just, egalitarian and prosperous country ”.
“The first challenge for the forces committed to social change will be marked by the plebiscite on Sunday October 25, an unprecedented democratic milestone in the history of our country, which could open the possibility of drawing up a new Constitution in democracy. . And in the same way as another October, 1988, in a week we will go en masse to the polls, with all the health protections, but with the firm conviction of ending the Constitution of the dictatorship and beginning to build the Constitution of all and of all. ”, they point out.
The PS statement also recalls the human rights violations during the crisis and recalls that “we have been critical of the actions of the police forces. We have demanded the departure of the General Director of the Carabineros. We ask for a response and reparation for the human rights violations of hundreds of compatriots after the social outbreak. Today, as yesterday, we demand respect for Human Rights ”.