The conflict escalates: generals of the High Command of the Carabineros sue the Comptroller’s Office for summary of the social outbreak


The High Command of the Carabineros launched a new offensive against the Comptroller General of the Republic. The institution filed a civil lawsuit against the inspection body to stop the summary that investigates the administrative responsibilities for the actions of the uniformed during the protests of the social outbreak.

According to information from Radio Bío Bío, The judicial appeal was filed before the 16th Civil Court of Santiago and seeks that the court declare the nullity of Public Law.

The generals of Carabineros Mauricio Rodríguez, National Director of Personnel; Enrique Bassaletti Riess, national director of Support to Police Operations; Jean Camus Dávila, Director of Logistics; Hugo Zenteno Vásquez, head of the XI Zone “Aysén”; Eduardo Monrás Álvarez, chief of the Santiago Oeste Carabineros Zone; and the retired generals Jorge Ávila Corvalán, former head of the Public Order and Intervention Control Zone, and Jorge Valenzuela Hernández, former national director of Support for Police Operations, appear as plaintiffs.

In the lawsuit – sponsored by the lawyer Jorge Martínez Cornejo – the uniformed and ex-uniformed men argue that the Comptroller’s Office does not have the disciplinary power to oversee the appropriateness and merit of the acts carried out by them in safeguarding security and public order.

The text maintains that “the charges brought by the CGR against the generals stand out for their lack of precision, certainty, accuracy, which makes it constitute a general, abstract accusation, exempt from any determination as to the facts and regulations. that of the Carabineros de Chile which is considered infringed. “

This new offensive is the second legal recourse that the High Command of Carabineros files against the Comptroller’s Office. Previously, they had already appealed to the Supreme Court on the same issue, even accusing the illegal act of Comptroller Jorge Bermúdez.

However, from the supervisory body they insisted that their power to “pursue administrative responsibilities in the Carabineros de Chile is based on Article 98 of the Political Constitution of the Republic, which entrusts it with the control of the legality of administrative acts.”
