The communes of Chile where the prices of houses and apartments rose the most, surpassing Santiago | Economy


At 76.7 UF per m², the value of the apartments for sale in the city of Puerto Varas during the last quarter of 2020.

This price is the highest of all the cities analyzed in the Quarterly Housing Report prepared by, after this first place, it is followed Villarrica and Pucon with values ​​of 72.3 and 72.1 UF / m2 respectively.

Value of the UF: $ 28,700 (Source: Central Bank).

In addition, Puerto Varas also leads among the cities with the highest value of UF per m² (0.28) in apartments for rent, followed by the cities of Santiago (0.27 UF per m²) and Calama (0.27 FU per m²).

Regarding the variation of the last three years for sale, Puerto Varas is the city that has experienced the highest growth in its values, with an 18.1% increase in its property values, followed by Rancagua (16%) and Concepción (15.3%).

On the other hand, for the rental of apartments the increases are more moderate, considering the sharp fall that most of the localities have experienced as a result of the pandemic. In that sense Quilpué, Rancagua and Temuco presented growth of 9.7%, 7.9% and 5% respectively.

Housing market: Concón leads in high values

If the detail is analyzed in houses the highest prices are concentrated from the Valparaíso region to the north.

Thus, in the market for the sale of houses, the analysis that included 48 cities or towns in the country shows that Concón led with the highest value per m² with 53.5 UF / m².

While, Viña del Mar it ranked fourth in the country with a value of 47.6m². At the total value level, Concón also led with an average cost per publication in of UF 10,738, followed by Iquique and Chiguayante with values ​​of UF 9,928 and UF 9,867.

However, the cheaper values to buy a property of this type were found in the towns of Father Las Casas, being the only commune that showed an average value lower than UF 2,000; Hualpén, La Cruz, Alto Hospicio and Villa Alemana.

Regarding the rental of houses, Higher values ​​were also concentrated in the North and Central Zone of the country, being led by Copiapo with a value of 0.22 UF / m2, followed by Antofagasta and Greater Santiago, both with 0.21UF / m².

However, when analyzing per m² and taking the average total publication value, the highest price is Antofagasta, followed by Concón and Chiguayante. This is related to the surface of the property, since for example, although Chiguayante is not among the first places in value per m², the average built area is much higher, which results in a higher price.

Now, if the user is interested in renting a house at a very convenient value, the lowest rental values ​​were located in the interior of the Valparaíso region, specifically in Quilpué, Quillota and Los Andes with average values ​​under 400,000 pesos.
