The militant of Commons Karina Oliva he prevailed in the primaries of the Broad Front for the governorship of the Metropolitan Region, defeating the candidate for the Democratic Revolution, Sebastián Depolo, and the historian of the Liberal Party, María José Cumplido.
Regarding the result and the low citizen participation in the process, Oliva affirmed that there is still a challenge, which is to restore credibility to the institutions and their processes. “It is something that people do not feel part of, therefore, we have a huge challenge of permanently convincing to participate“, said.
“You have to be fair and analyze the results, both of the victory and of that participation, in the right measure. Why old matches are those that still want people not to participate, because it is safer for them to win“, Assured the candidate for the metropolitan government.
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On the other hand, the political scientist from Puente Alto highlighted the triumph of Comunes in the different territories where they disputed candidacies: “It means that Comunes and the militancy of Comunes is working organically to build a party of popular origin, that is watching what happens in the citizenship and social leaderships ”.
Another topic that generated comments was the call not to vote in the primaries made by the deputy Pamela jiles (PH), something that for Oliva would be an authoritarian act.
“I don’t believe in the arrogance of those who tell people what to do or what not to do. You propose, it does not mean that you tell people ‘you have to do this or that’. That is a paternalistic logic. And those who want to tell people not to participate in democratic processes, that was what the dictator, Augusto Pinochet, did. I hope MP Jiles changes her authoritarian logic“, Affirmed the militant of Comunes.