Ten years after the rescue of “the 33”: miners thank Piñera and assure that “he is the father of us”


Today marks 10 years of the rescue that went around the world: that of the 33 miners of San José. And today in La Moneda President Sebastián Piñera led an activity, recalling what happened at the San José mine.

Luis Urzúa, who was the boss of the 33 miners and the last worker rescued to leave the San José mine, took the floor on behalf of his colleagues.

“The teamwork that we had underground was fundamental, we all united, we supported each other, we made an effort for the companion who was next to us. If the companion could not walk, the other could help him. That teamwork allowed us to be good. We were fine, we had life. When the probe arrived, a stage began for us, “he said.

He added that “we are rescued people and today we have to tell the world that here in Chile they worked, a spectacular job was done. Our families, wives and children gave us strength to continue fighting. Since that day we have been born, we have lived many things, but the most important thing is that we are alive. “

Urzúa also denied that the miners are angry with each other. “We are not angry, we can have a difference like any family, but the most important thing is that we are brothers, and within that brotherhood you are our father, 10 years later (…) Thank you Mr. President on behalf of the 33”, he sentenced.
